by William Crum
More than 250 people attended the Bishop Ward High School theater production of “Night at the Wax Museum” on Friday night.
I have seen plays in my day, but this play blew me away. It was fantastic. I was in sheer awe and amazement how talented they were.
This play was as good or better than some I saw on Broadway. This play rocks. It was fun, action-packed and funny at times. Sometimes it will have you on the edge of your seat. You must definitely see this play.
I personally tip my hat to the staff, the crew and the performers on a fantastic job well done. They have another performance on Saturday night at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium at 708 N. 18th St. You must definitely see this play. It will blow your mind. You have got to see it. No two ways about it.

Thank you for coming to the play, Mr. Crum! What an honor to have you share in our experience! We shall see you for Beauty and the Beast in March!?
J. Evilsizer, Director
Thanks for recognizing the hard work of the kids of the Bishop Ward Drama Club and their Director Mrs. Evilsizer.