Serving Kansas City (Wyandotte County) Kansas for over 50 years!
Dear editor:
Bienvenidos amigos, aquí respetamos a los inmigrantes.
Fuimos inmigrantes o descendientes de inmigrantes.
Jesús el Cristo enseñada y predicada, “Ama a tu vecino”.
Nos esforzamos para obedecer, amar y vivir como Jesús el Cristo.
Bienvenido al nuevo Wisconsinites, nuestros nuevos amigos!
Welcome friends, here we respect immigrants.
We were immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
Jesus the Christ taught and preached, “Love your neighbor.”
We strive to obey, love and live like Jesus the Christ.
Welcome to new Wisconsinites, our new friends!
Ron Renkoski
(The writer was born in KCK and Wyandotte County before their merger and lives now in Wisconsin.)
This afternoon, U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., contacted the White House and urged President Donald Trump to condemn hateful acts like the shooting that took place in Olathe, Kansas, last week. Rep. Yoder issued the following statement:
“As the world prepares to watch President Trump tonight at the joint session of Congress, I’ve been in contact with the White House regarding the senseless tragedy last week in Olathe that claimed the life of Srinivas Kuchibhotla and injured Alok Madasani and Ian Grillot. I’ve been clear that the President must use this amazing platform to condemn this hateful act in no uncertain terms and send a powerful message that no American should be fearful in their own community. Diverse political and religious views are what make our country great, and I look forward to him utilizing this opportunity tonight.”