Letter to the editor

Dear editor:

Bienvenidos amigos, aquí respetamos a los inmigrantes.

Fuimos inmigrantes o descendientes de inmigrantes.

Jesús el Cristo enseñada y predicada, “Ama a tu vecino”.

Nos esforzamos para obedecer, amar y vivir como Jesús el Cristo.

Bienvenido al nuevo Wisconsinites, nuestros nuevos amigos!

Welcome friends, here we respect immigrants.

We were immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

Jesus the Christ taught and preached, “Love your neighbor.”

We strive to obey, love and live like Jesus the Christ.

Welcome to new Wisconsinites, our new friends!

Ron Renkoski

(The writer was born in KCK and Wyandotte County before their merger and lives now in Wisconsin.)