‘You have awakened a sleeping lion’: Kansas City residents denounce GOP congressional map

Connie Brown Collins, a Wyandotte County resident, said during a news conference Monday at the Statehouse in Topeka that lawmakers awakened a sleeping lion with their proposal to divide the Kansas City metro area between congressional districts. (Photo by Sherman Smith, Kansas Reflector)

by Sherman Smith, Kansas Reflector

Topeka — Wyandotte County resident Connie Brown Collins says new congressional boundaries passed by the state Senate appear to “literally cut through backyards” of several diverse communities.

Republicans in the Legislature have fast-tracked an effort to redraw congressional districts in a way that would divide the Kansas City metro area along Interstate 70.

As a result, Brown Collins said during a news conference Monday at the Statehouse, 39,000 Latino residents and 30,000 Black residents would be relocated from the 3rd District, the only one in Kansas currently represented by a Democrat, and into the 2nd District. This “population shuffle,” Brown Collins said, will decrease the voting power of a majority-minority vote.

“If legislators think we in Wyandotte County are snoozing through this travesty, that we are not aware or we do not care, think again,” Brown Collins said. “You have awakened a sleeping lion.”

Kansans for Fair Maps, a coalition of advocacy groups, organized the news conference to elevate the voices of residents in the Kansas City metro area who are upset about the proposed new map. They spoke in front of the Brown v. Board mural on the third floor, a tribute to the landmark civil rights case that ended segregation in public schools.

Senate and House redistricting panels introduced the Ad Astra map favored by Republicans during a hearing last week and heard overwhelming opposition in testimony. The Senate panel proceeded to pass a version of the map that corrected the oversight of splitting the Kickapoo Indian reservation between districts. On Friday, the full Senate endorsed Ad Astra 2.

The House panel held additional hearings Monday.

“The House process is still ongoing. It has been fair, deliberate and transparent,” the House Republican leadership said in a statement for this story. ” We look forward to seeing the results of the committee’s work.”

Under current lines drawn by courts a decade ago, the 3rd District currently includes the Kansas City metro area that sprawls across Wyandotte and Johnson counties. U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, a Democrat, American Indian, and the first openly LGBTQ member of Congress from Kansas, won election there in 2018 and retained the seat in 2020.

Republicans redrew her district to eliminate Democrats’ votes in the northern half of Wyandotte County and move Republican strongholds from Anderson, Miami and Franklin counties into the district.

“The way this map is drawn really diminishes her chance of being reelected,” said Tom Witt, of Equality Kansas. “The voters chose her, and they chose her twice. And now Senate leadership is trying to choose different voters for her. I don’t know how the rest of you grew up, but I grew up in America where democracy matters.”

Thomas Alonzo said he has lived in Wyandotte County his entire life, except for when he served in the military. He said his Kansas City, Kansas, community’s interests are deeply tied to their neighbors to the south.

The Ad Astra map “demonstrates a lack of competent, moral and ethical leadership,” Alonzo said.

“There is nothing democratic or patriotic about deliberately cutting up a district to prevent its voters from having the ability to select individuals to represent us that will protect our interests,” Alonzo said.

Liz Meitl lives in Johnson County and works for the Kansas City, Kansas, public school district in Wyandotte County. She said there are thousands of others who work in one county and live in the other. Their lives are interconnected, she said.

“When you divide us by congressional districts, you are creating schisms, unnatural schisms that both perpetuate racist and systemic institutionalized inequalities and perpetuate a system in which the elites disenfranchise voters,” Meitl said.

Senate Republican leaders have dismissed concerns about the way the map affects the voting power of Democrats and communities of color. The map also moves heavily Democratic Lawrence from the 2nd District to the rural 1st District.

Senate President Ty Masterson, R-Andover, said all four members of congress would retain their seats based on 2020 election results, although Witt said that claim hasn’t been verified since underlying data was made available late Thursday.

“On balance,” Senate Republicans said in explaining their vote, “this map will serve the state well for the next decade.”

A map proposed by Republicans in the House and Senate would place Lawrence in the 1st District, which stretches to the Colorado border, and split Wyandotte County between 2nd and 3rd districts. (Submitted)

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See more at https://kansasreflector.com/2022/01/24/you-have-awakened-a-sleeping-lion-kansas-city-residents-denounce-gop-congressional-map/

UG committees to meet Monday and Tuesday; KCK school board to meet Tuesday

Unified Government committees are scheduled to meet Monday and Tuesday nights, with the KCK school board also having its regular meeting on Tuesday night.

A special virtual meeting has been called for 5 p.m. Tuesday for the UG’s Economic Development and Finance Committee to discuss the assignment of the Homefield development project.

Homefield is a project being built at the former Schlitterbahn water park site near 98th and State that includes a youth sports complex and a hotel.

According to the UG meeting agenda, the main change to the existing development agreement will be that two bond issuances will be combined into one. The original deal called for $75 million in the first bond issue and $55 million in the second; and the new agreement would issue a single $130 million.

The UG EDF Committee meeting will be around the same time as the KCK school board meeting. The regularly scheduled Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25.

UG Monday night committee meetings

Two UG committees are scheduled to meet Monday night, starting at 5 p.m.

On the agenda for the UG Public Works and Safety Committee meeting at 5 p.m. Monday is a revised ordinance for the Safe and Welcoming City Act.

According to the agenda, revisions to the proposed ordinance include that the UG will contract with a program administrator to administer an ID program; the program administrator will issue the ID; the UG will not obtain or retain records that are provided to the program administrator to obtain an ID; the UG will require the program administrator to defend against the disclosure of their records; and the UG will require the program administrator to provide language assistance for those applying for the ID.

Also on the PWS agenda is an eminent domain action on 47th Avenue, for the reconstruction of the street from Mission Road to Rainbow Boulevard.

In addition, revisions to the county’s emergency operations plan are on the PWS agenda.

Also on the PWS agenda is an application approval for travel, tourism and outdoor recreation grant for the KC Levees and Riverfront Project.

Another item on the PWS agenda include approval of an honorary street sign honoring Dr. Vernard Johnson, a gospel music “Hall of Famer” who was well known internationally as a gospel saxophonist. A street near Amazing Grace Church, 2955 Cissna St., will be changed to from Cissna to Chief Ambassador Dr. Vernard Johnson Street under this proposal.

Other items on the PWS agenda are an update on the compost facility feasibility study; and the public works quarterly report.

The UG Administration and Human Services Committee will meet on Monday night after the end of the PWS Committee meeting.

On the agenda for the AHS meeting is approval of the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Subcommittee allocation recommendation from the UG Health Department’s additional needs for 2022 and beyond.

Also on the AHS agenda is approval of the 47th Street overlay district update; a proposed ordinance to prohibit conversion therapy on minors; a presentation about the UG VISTA program and request for approval for a new AmeriCorps program, Public Health AmeriCorps; and an update from the Planning and Urban Design Department.

The meetings are carried on UGTV, YouTube and Zoom. For informationa bout how to connect to the meetings, visit www.wycokck.org/Departments/Clerks-Office/Engage-in-Public-Commission-Meeting.

KCK school board meeting to be at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday

The regular Kansas City, Kansas, school board meeting is scheduled at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25. The meeting agenda is at https://go.boarddocs.com/ks/kckps/Board.nsf/vpublic?open#.

The KCK school board meeting will be shown online at https://youtu.be/IdtGCwhClCw.

The board is scheduled to discuss budget priorities and COVID contact tracing, among many other topics.