WATCHDOGS program to begin Sept. 25 at Grant Elementary

The WATCHDOGS program will kick off the year from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, at Grant Elementary School, 1510 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The event includes a Dads and Kids’ Pizza Night to launch the WATCHDOGS (Dads of Great Students) program.

The program encourages fathers to be active in their students’ education.

Each year thousands of schools across the country offer WATCHDOGS programs to reach out to father and father-figures for their students, according to a spokesman for the program.

The men are invited to take at least one day off work during the school year and spend it volunteering in their child’s school. Some of the roles they fill are crossing guards, car or bus rider facilitators, hallway monitors, library assistants, lunchroom helpers, classroom and homework tutors and playground or gym coaches.

According to program information, studies have shown a positive adult male role model has a positive effect on the development and educational success of a child, increasing the child’s likelihood of graduating and getting good grades, while at the same time decreasing the likelihood of the child living in poverty, getting involved with drugs and alcohol and avoiding choices that result in a criminal record or teen pregnancy.

The benefits of the program include a positive male role model for students; extra security for the schools; more time spent with children in the school; and better information about how to help the schools meet the educational goals of students.

Moses Wyatt Jr. is working with the WATCHDOGS at Grant Elementary School. The program has a website at