Community residents talk about qualities they want in a school superintendent

Some residents want a superintendent who is from the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools district. Others said they wanted someone who will help improve reading and math scores. Still others wanted someone who would have a strategy or plan for the district.

At a town hall meeting on Tuesday evening, the search consultant heard several suggestions from residents and employees about the qualities they wanted in a superintendent.

The residents and community were able to participate virtually, through sending in their questions by email and through a chat feature while watching the meeting on YouTube through the district’s website.

Among the many other qualities or characteristics mentioned at the town hall meeting was someone who had a strategy for expanding resources for English language learners in the district. The community also was interested in learning about the timeline for the superintendent search as well as being concerned about hiring someone with experience who was knowledgeable about how to implement strategy.

One commenter wanted a professional with a passion for students and the community, and who would be willing to make a long-term commitment.

Another question that came in asked about a group of teachers being allowed to ask questions directly to the superintendent candidates. Another comment favored interim superintendent, Dr. Alicia Miguel, for the superintendent position.

James Guerra, CEO of JG Consulting, which is conducting the superintendent search, said the question about teachers asking direct questions to the candidates would be for the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education to decide. He also indicated that some of the superintendent candidates could drop out if their names become public. When they go beyond the board of education, they may run the risk of breaching confidentiality, according to Guerra.

Regarding a question about finding a superintendent who supports teachers and has a background in teaching, Guerra said all the superintendents they have recruited previously for other districts have served in the classroom in their past, along with experience leading schools as a principal or administrator. The search firm’s board partners have always chosen superintendents who have had experience in the classroom, he said.

“Our goal is to identify the best and brightest candidates,” Guerra said.

He said before any in-person interviews will be conducted with the school board, the search firm will require all the candidates who submit an application and meet minimum qualifications of the leadership profile to complete an on-demand virtual interview. Interviews this year are virtual because of the current pandemic conditions.

Some questions also were about superintendent candidates having an action plan for COVID-19. Guerra said in most cases, the candidates have a 90-day re-entry plan or action plan at a minimum.

The consultant is holding a total of four town hall meetings, and is inviting the public to give their questions and comments about the qualities and characteristics they want to see in a superintendent.

Many of the community responses were read at the town hall meeting on Jan. 5. That meeting will be available for viewing this week on YouTube.

Randy Lopez, school board president, said that the comments and questions will give them an idea of what is important to the community. They want the process to be transparent and open, he said.

The questions and comments at the town hall meeting, for the most part, were not answered, but are being used to indicate the community’s interest, and also to formulate questions later to ask the superintendent candidates.

Because of the current pandemic, the town hall meetings are being conducted virtually.

Besides the town hall meetings, the school district has a survey form for the superintendent search that people may fill out through its website at

The current timeline for the superintendent search includes town hall meetings in January. Community engagement and outreach meetings are underway.

More virtual town hall meetings are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7, in Spanish; 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 9, in English; and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9, in Spanish, through a link on the school district’s website at

Questions for the future town hall meetings can be emailed to [email protected].

Guerra also gave his email and phone number out so that anyone with concerns may contact him directly. His email is [email protected]. His website is at

Virtual town hall meeting scheduled tonight on superintendent search

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is planning a virtual town hall meeting tonight on the search for a new superintendent.

The community and stakeholders are asked to provide comments on characteristics and skill sets they want to see in a new superintendent, according to a school district news release.

The first town hall meeting will be from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 5, via the internet.

JG Consulting will conduct the meetings. Two of the meetings will be in Spanish.

The rest of the town hall meeting schedule includes: 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 9, in English; 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7, in Spanish; and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9, in Spanish.

The school district is asking that questions be submitted by email in advance to make sure the consulting firm can address as many questions as possible. The questions may be sent to [email protected].

The link to the virtual meetings will be available on the school district’s website at

KCK schools seek community comments on superintendent search

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public School district is seeking community comments from local groups and stakeholders on the superintendent search process.

According to a district spokesman, the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education will hold four virtual town hall meetings to gather comments and information from the community, school district staff, students and families on the characteristics they are looking for in the next superintendent.

The meetings will be facilitated by JG Consulting of Austin, Texas, which has been hired to do the superintendent search. Two meetings will be in Spanish. The schedule:

English sessions
• Tuesday, Jan. 5, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
• Saturday, Jan. 9, from 11 a.m. to noon

Spanish sessions
• Thursday, Jan. 7, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
• Saturday, Jan. 9, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Those who have questions are asked to submit them by email in advance of the meeting so the consulting firm can address as many questions as possible, according to the spokesman. Questions may be submitted to [email protected].

The link to the virtual meetings will be available on the school district’s website at, closer to the dates of the town hall meeting.

Those who are unable to attend any of the town hall meetings, may still provide comments through the online survey located under the superintendent search heading on the district’s website. There will be updates and additional information under the superintendent search timeline.