School starts today in Wyandotte County

The fall semester started today, with virtual learning for many, for the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools and other schools in Wyandotte County.

The KCK schools will have remote learning only for the first nine weeks. The school board is planning a meeting at 5 p.m. today online at

The district has a school reopening message online from Dr. Alicia Miguel, interim superintendent, at

According to district information, the KCK schools will start offering “grab and go” meals on Wednesday, Sept. 9. The meals will be picked up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at school locations, and students need to pre-register for the meals.

In the Turner School District, school also started today, and the district has a 50 percent capacity for in-person student instruction and activities. Students are in either blended learning or remote learning groups. Students are being assigned to Mondays and Wednesday and alternating Fridays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternating Fridays, according to district information. The students are using technology for remote learning on the days when they are home.

In the Piper School District, the first day of school is Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Piper also has a hybrid and a remote option for school. Pre-kindergarten and elementary students attend classes four days a week and on Fridays, work remotely and online. Sixth grade through 12th grade students attend at least one day of school a week in person, with students staying in one classroom and teachers traveling to that classroom, according to district reopening information. Some students may attend more than one day a week. Other days, learning would be remotely from home.

Today, Sept. 8, also is the first day of school for the Bonner Springs-Edwardsville School District, according to district reopening information. The district is offering a hybrid or remote option for returning to school. In the hybrid option, students attend school every other day, Mondays and Wednesdays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Friday, they will all be in online learning classes. While in the buildings, students will be in the same group of students with the same staff members.

Bonner Springs is offering a free meals program, with curbside pickup, starting Sept. 8.