Runnebaum, French recognized with KCKCC TEACH award

The fall 2017 TEACH Award winners were Ginger French, adjunct instructor of math, and chef Cheryl Runnebaum, assistant professor of culinary arts. (KCKCC photo)

by Kelly Rogge, KCKCC

Kansas City Kansas Community College celebrated its faculty this semester by awarding the annual TEACH Awards.

Given in both the fall and spring semesters, the TEACH Award, which stands for Teaching Excellence and Colleague Honor, recognizes one full time faculty member and one adjunct faculty member for making a difference in the lives of their students.

The fall 2017 TEACH Award winners were Ginger French, adjunct instructor of math, and chef Cheryl Runnebaum, assistant professor of culinary arts.

“I was shocked, humbled and deeply honored when I received the TEACH award for fall 2017,” French said. “I didn’t even know that there was a TEACH award for adjunct faculty. It means a lot to me, knowing that this recognition comes from my colleagues – especially because I think KCKCC has such an excellent faculty.”

French and Runnebaum presented on their pedagogy at the TEACH Showcase Reception March 29 in the Center for Teaching and Excellence. Traci Dillavou, assistant professor of speech and AHSS adjunct coordinator, said a lively discussion ensued. Both former students of the recipients and fellow full-time and adjunct faculty attended the reception.

“It was an honor to be recognized by colleagues of such high esteem,” Runnebaum said. “Teaching is my passion, and I constantly strive to be the best at the art of teaching. I enjoy the variety of students and mentoring them to become the best people they can professionally and personally.”

The TEACH Award is a peer nominated and peer reviewed award. Winners receive a $100 gift card, a framed certificate and their names engraved on a plaque at the CTE.

“I think the TEACH award is especially important for adjuncts,” French said. “There are not very many opportunities to recognize part-time employees for their contributions to KCKCC.”

In addition, TEACH Award winners are able to present at a teaching showcase in their honor the following semester. The awards program was created as a subcommittee of Faculty Senate to recognize outstanding pedagogy.

“Awards like this provide motivation for people to strive to be the best that they can at their craft,” Runnebaum said. “It also provides recognition to those others feel are deserving and can be a catalyst to move further outside of their norm.”