ACLU of Kansas wants U.S. Supreme Court to ditch state’s congressional map over race

by Dylan Lysen, KCUR and Kansas News Service The civil rights group argues the Kansas Supreme Court incorrectly interpreted federal law when it ruled race wasn’t a factor in the map drawn by the Republican-dominated Kansas Legislature. The American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas wants the U.S. Supreme Court to force the redrawing on Kansas … Continue reading “ACLU of Kansas wants U.S. Supreme Court to ditch state’s congressional map over race”

BPU reviews budget; activist plans more action

Community activist Ty Gorman didn’t see his issues discussed at the Board of Public Utilities’ budget review in an all-day Monday meeting. Gorman arrived to the meeting at 540 Minnesota Ave. to find the building still closed off to the public. In order to get in, he had to call to the security desk and … Continue reading “BPU reviews budget; activist plans more action”

Friends of Yates holds 21st annual Domestic Violence Community Luncheon

by Arica Roland, Friends of Yates Approximately one out of three women and one out of four men will experience domestic or sexual violence in their lifetime. According to the 2021 KBI report, in Wyandotte County there were 804 protection from abuse orders filed. In the state of Kansas one domestic violence murder occurred every … Continue reading “Friends of Yates holds 21st annual Domestic Violence Community Luncheon”