Nonprofit group provides homework assistance to children

A nonprofit organization, the Learning Club, is providing tutoring and homework assistance to elementary and middle-school children in Kansas City, Kansas.

As part of the community for almost 20 years, the Learning Club is currently helping local students, especially those who live in public housing areas.

During the past year, students nationally have fallen behind in their academic progress because of the pandemic and virtual learning, according to Sharan Nagra, volunteer coordinator and communications director for the Learning Club.

Especially hard hit during the past year have been minority students, students in poverty and English language learners, especially younger students, she said. Students learning how to read in kindergarten through second grade have experienced the biggest loss nationally.

“The Learning Club is hoping to fill in the gaps and disparities, by providing an after-school program,” she said.

The program sees students twice a week, and they work on their homework during that time, she added. Students read lots of books, helping to increase their fluency and reading comprehension.

The program meets students close to where they live, going to Juniper Gardens, Chalet Manor, St. Margaret apartments, Cyrus K. Holliday apartments and other areas, Nagra said. They also have an in-school reading program, she added.

Currently, about 150 students are in the Learning Club’s after-school program, Nagra said.

Those who work with the students are largely volunteers, and more volunteers are needed, she said.

The program has about 80 high school students who are interns and help tutor the younger children, she said. The high school students also receive help with resume writing, leadership skills and money management skills, she added.

Previous teaching experience is not necessary for the volunteer tutors, she said. They just have to be willing to help kids with homework. Most of the students are in first to fifth grade, with some in sixth and seventh grades, she said.

Volunteers are needed from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the after-school program and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the in-school program, she said.

Students don’t have to pay for tutoring, Nagra said. The Learning Club program is funded through donations and nongovernment grants, she added.

All volunteers are required to have received COVID-19 vaccinations, she said. Everyone has to wear masks during tutoring, she added.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer tutor may call Nagra at 913-283-4555.