Name and office sought:
Maxine Drew, candidate for KCK USD 500 School Board
Age: 68
Occupation and experience:
KCK USD 500 board member – elected November, 2017, and serving January 2018, for a term of four years.
Secretary-clerk, Peace and Fellowship Community Church
Former church secretary at New Fellowship Baptist Church for 33 years
Social studies teacher USD 500 – 35 years
Attended elementary schools in KCK: Abbott, Kealing, Stowe, Grant and Douglas
Attended Northeast Junior High
Graduated from Sumner High School, 1971
Bachelor of Art degree in history at Park University (1976)
M.A.T. (2005) at University of St. Mary (Curriculum and Instruction).
Reasons for running
My vision for Kansas City, Kansas USD 500 school district has been always to maintain the right leadership for guiding our students to be successful for reaching their fullest potential to graduate and be motivated to adapt to be successful in life. I want to help develop new and innovative ways to prioritize in helping our students to be educated. I want to be an advocate to look at the needs and concerns of all stakeholders: staff community parents and students.
Traditional education has drastically changed since January 2021. What we have to do is try to maintain consistency in education. I was reading an article and the comment was made that “My leadership is tested in a crisis and I can immediately deduce what kind of leader I am when I am faced with challenging situations that will stretch me beyond my comfort zone.” It is my desire to explore new avenues of success for all.
Along with that whenever our students stumble or fall keeping their eyes on the essential outcome will solidify their academic victory and their social-emotional growth. We have to learn to use our human capital to learn and grow.
What are the three most important issues facing this position and how would you handle them?
As a school board member, the fundamental processes for decision-making entails determination to incorporate significant ways for a favorable outcome. It is vital that the foundation is solid, grounded, and strengthened. We must stay the course providing for positive confirmation for progress. The most important issues I feel we need to be concerned with are: hiring of staff (bus drivers, cafeteria workers, substitute teacher}, trauma sensitive training for all, funding, and promoting athletic engagement for students. We must engage to:
Maintain open communication
Prioritize concerns for academic growth
Develop community and public involvement
Listen, learn and build partnerships
If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office.
After being elected in 2017 I did do the following:
Attend all school board meetings
Build positive relationships with staff and district personnel
Listen attentively
Trained through Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) workshop for learning
Served one year as USD 500 school board president
Attend several school functions for sports and educational events at schools
Attend and pass out materials at Welcome Event for new teachers @TIS for 2020-2021 school year
Attended virtual workshops for “Enough is Enough”
Attended end of the year retirement ceremonies for district staff members
Support superintendent selection through listening, learning and engaging
Attended community listening sessions for working to improve school procedures and decision-making ideas
Attended Foundation for Excellence Golf Tournament
Attended 2019 KASB Convention in Wichita, Kansas
For 2020, I attended:
Attended 2020 KASB Virtual Convention online
Attended KASB Advocacy in Action Conference in Topeka, Kansas January, 2020
Attended NASB Advocacy Institute and Equity Symposium in Washington, DC January, 2020
Attended Black History program at Rosedale Middle School, February, 2020
Attended “Souls to the Polls” at 8th Street Baptist Church, February, 2020
Support JAG K services at Wyandotte High School and F.L. Schlagle High School
Attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for:
Lowell Brune Elementary School
Gloria Willis Middle School
West Park Elementary School
Carl B. Bruce Middle School
Welborn Elementary School
Attended KCKPS 2019 College Fair held at F.L. Schlagle
Attended Math Stem Relays 2019 and 2020
Attended New Stanley Program and Science night
Received Trauma Sensitive Training, March, 2020
Attended Living Vine Women’s Luncheon, March, 2020
Attended 2020 Graduation Recognition Services for all high schools at Boulevard Drive-in
Attended F.L. Schlagle Drive-through Retirement Celebration, June, 2020
In 2021, I have:
Attended KASB Virtual Legislative sessions
Attended KASB Lunch and Learn virtual sessions
Attend USD 500 Allovue training for district expenditures
Get vaccinated twice for COVID-19 pandemic
Virtual WYCO Spelling Bee
Saturday Academy Family Demonstration Day virtually
Women in Leadership Forum virtually
KCKCC Hall of Fame Inductee virtual program
Academic Committee Meeting virtually
Attended KCK Mayor David Alvey Mayoral Address
Attended and support KCK Public Library
Attended all high school graduations
Summer Reading Kick-off at Boulevard Drive-In
Library in the Park at 6th and Minnesota
Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?
I ran for this current position in 2017 and was elected to serve for four years on the KCK USD 500 school board