KCKPS explores options for reopening schools in the fall

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools released a framework today for reopening schools in the 2020-2021 academic year.

In early June, the district established a Reopening of Schools Task Force to begin the vital planning work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The administration presented three instructional options to the Board of Education for consideration and approval later.

The options explored included:
• Option A – All students return to campus with safety modifications in place.
• Option B – Most students return with some students participating in a continuous learning environment.
• Option C- All students participate in a continuous learning environment.

These options represent different yet important routes for learning that will require all of those involved to think deeply about what can be most effective and why, according to district officials.

“I am grateful for the diligence of task force members who have spent numerous hours they have put into developing this comprehensive plan. I’m confident that each of these options has great potential to help us meet the operational challenges we face returning to a different normal,” said Dr. Charles Foust, superintendent.

The Task Force consists of more than 50 members, representing the Board of Education, teachers, principals, parents, KCKPS police, and other personnel from various levels of operations throughout the school district. Surveys were also distributed to generate valuable feedback from parents and staff. The feedback was paramount in the district’s efforts to devise the best comprehensive framework to address the various needs of our diverse school community when the district reopens schools this fall.

The district’s plan focuses on these areas:
• high-quality instruction
• educational inequities created by COVID-19
• health and safety protocols
• social-emotional support systems
• family and community engagement
• transportation
• athletics

KCKPS has partnered with school districts and school leadership in Wyandotte County to develop an Education ReStart plan with guidance from the Unified Government Public Health Department. The plan provides an overview of a phased-in approach to reopening schools and serves as an addendum to the ReStart WyCo Plan and a complement to the Kansas Ad Astra reopening plan. Additional guidance will be forthcoming from the Kansas State Department of Education mid-July.

“As school leaders in Wyandotte County, we aim to ensure that all of our plans are consistent with and closely aligned to local and state guidelines and recommendations,” Dr. Foust said. “The classroom and school building setting will undoubtedly look a little different when students, teachers, and other professionals return to school campuses. Ultimately, safety is a top concern for reopening in August and we are committed to implementing those safeguards for everyone.”

There are more details to come as the Kansas State Department of Education will provide additional recommendations and guidance when they release their reopening plan in mid-July. Additional information will also be available online at www.kckps.org.

The first day of school is planned for Tuesday, Aug. 12.

The KCKPS Care Line at 913-954-0219 is available to provide support to students and their families and staff that need assistance during this time of the pandemic, civil unrest or behavioral health, such as depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts.

The education reopening guidance and additional information and resources on COVID-19 in Wyandotte County can be found at wycokck.org/COVID-19 or by calling 3-1-1.

  • Story from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools