KCK student selected to join K-State cancer research team

Carolina Bueno, senior in microbiology from Kansas City, Kansas, has been selected to join a Kansas State University cancer research team.

The Johnson Cancer Research Center at K-State selected a total of 42 students, including Bueno, for the undergraduate research mentoring and award program.

Bueno is mentored by Revathi Govind, an associate professor of biology.

The center’s Cancer Research Award program promotes student participation in laboratory research. It encourages undergraduate students to consider careers in cancer research and medicine early, while they are still deciding what academic and professional paths to take.

The award program, which is open to Kansas State University undergraduate students interested in doing cancer-relevant research, provides $1,500 awards to at least 35 students a year, and $1,000 per student for research expenses.

Students applied for the awards by co-writing research proposals with faculty mentors affiliated with the center. The awardees conduct their research in the mentors’ laboratories during the spring semester.

The Johnson Cancer Research Center supports the research and training of affiliated faculty, undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. All programs are funded through private gifts.