KCK school board members to take oath of office tonight

Three Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools board members will take the oath of office at a school board meeting at 5 p.m. tonight at the Central Office and Training Center, 5010 N. 59th St.

The three include incumbents Maxine Drew and Wanda Brownlee-Paige, and new board member Rachel Russell.

An agenda for the meeting is at

On the agenda will be regular meeting items, as well as a discussion of student tutoring, bond refinance renewal, a discussion of a literacy program, a teacher residency program, approval of the Juneteenth holiday, a bid on replacement service vehicles, a report on a swimming program, a district independent audit, a discussion of legislative priorities, a report from the school naming committee, and a closed, executive session on personnel.

The school board meeting tonight will be on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmYK0TpRh3Y.

There also is a special school board meeting scheduled at noon Wednesday, Jan. 12. On that agenda is a tutoring program for students, a school boundary committee item, and a bond and budget update. Also scheduled is a closed, executive session on personnel.