KCK Public Schools to add minutes to make up for snow days

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools will add some minutes to the school day in order to make up for snow days earlier this year, according to a spokesman.

The students in the school district had four days off because of inclement weather, a two-hour delay on another day because of the weather, and a day off to celebrate the Kansas City Chiefs’ victory.

According to the spokesman, starting Monday, March 23, through the end of the school year, the school district will be adding some minutes to the school day.

Eight minutes will be added in the morning and seven minutes at the end of the day. Also, Wednesday will become a full day of instruction, with no early dismissal for students, according to the district.

Seniors’ last day will be moved from May 13 to May 15 this year, the district stated.

The last day for all students is now May 21.

The changes that were made will not affect the bus schedules in any way, according to the spokesman.

The minutes were added because state law requires at least 1,116 hours for kindergarten through 11th grade students, and 1,086 hours for high school seniors.

More information on the start and end times for each school are available on the school district’s website at www.kckps.org.