Interim KCK superintendent resigns

More than 45 people attended a Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education meeting today where the resignation of interim Superintendent Dr. Julie Ford was accepted. The audience listened to a telephone board meeting; the board members were not in the meeting room. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)

by Mary Rupert

Only about a week before a new superintendent is scheduled to start, the interim superintendent has stepped down at the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education accepted the resignation of the interim superintendent, Dr. Julie Ford, effective July 27, in a special meeting at noon today.

Dr. Jayson Strickland

Dr. Jayson Strickland, deputy superintendent for the district, will become the acting superintendent, in a unanimous vote by the board.

Dr. Charles Foust, the new superintendent, will start work during the first week of August, according to Dr. Kelli Mather, chief operating officer, and Melissa Bedford-Fears, district spokeswoman.

Dr. Charles Foust

More than 45 people attended the board meeting at the district’s Central Office; however, the board members were not present. The board conducted a telephone meeting, speaking and voting by telephone. Dr. Ford was not present. Dr. Ford had come out of retirement to serve as interim superintendent.

During the meeting, Dr. Val Winn, board president, stated that she had been in a conversation with Dr. Ford before her resignation. Dr. Winn asked about items on the agenda, and planned a meeting with Dr. Ford. The communication was by email, and Dr. Winn included others on the message, which the superintendent may not have liked, she said.

Dr. Winn said she made some suggestions, Dr. Ford said it was too much to ask of the human resources department, so Dr. Winn said she compromised and changed the request. The suggestions, Dr. Winn said after the meeting, included more information about the newly hired teachers, including vacancies, the ethnicity and gender of new teachers.

Dr. Winn also asked for information on the budget. If they are going to approve the budget, Dr. Winn said she remarked to the interim superintendent that the board should have an updated budget book. The board is expected to vote on the budget sometime in August. Dr. Winn also asked for a draft of an exit survey.

“Dr. Ford was not pleased that I asked for additional information,” Dr. Winn said during the school board meeting. “The next day she called and said she was ready to retire.”

Dr. Winn added that Dr. Ford wanted to join her husband and family, already in Colorado. Dr. Ford has served as interim superintendent since the beginning of July.

Dr. Stacy Yeager during the meeting said she was disturbed by it, and that she believes Dr. Ford was doing a great job. Board members asked about getting an exit interview.

Some persons attending the meeting were asked for their opinion afterwards, but they had no comment.

The next board meeting will be at 4 p.m. July 31.

A similar pattern happened yesterday in Kansas City, Kansas, where an interim fire chief stepped down, with a local candidate serving as acting chief for about two weeks before an outside fire chief started.

“The board and staff of the school district wish Dr. Ford well in her return to retirement and appreciate her work on behalf of the school district,” the school district spokeswoman wrote in a news release.

Dr. Winn, contacted after the meeting, said, “Dr. Ford decided she wanted to resign, and so we accepted her resignation, and we wish her the very best.”

School will start in August, Bedford-Fears said, at different times for different age groups. Kindergarten through fifth grades, and sixth through ninth grades start Aug. 10, with Aug. 13 the first full day of school for all students. There are other school starting times: New Stanley Elementary students reported to school today. Northwest Middle School’s first day for sixth grade students is Aug. 1, for seventh graders at Northwest, Aug. 2, and the first full day for Northwest is Aug. 3.The first full day for pre-kindergarten is Aug. 20.

Dr. Ford’s resignation letter, as provided by the board clerk:

Dear Kansas City Public Schools Board of Education:
I am resigning my position as Interim Superintendent at the end of today, July 26, 2018. I have met with some of the most talented and kind staff in the month of July and it has been a pleasure to work with them. I look forward to re-entering the peaceful world of retirement where I can focus on my grandchildren, children and husband.
I wish Dr. Foust all the luck in the world and hope he is successful working in this district in the future. I hope he understands that he is inheriting a district that has great possibilities because of the quality of staff that work in this district. I have enjoyed briefly getting to know him. I also wish the students of Kansas City, Kansas, a great school year!
Dr. Julie Ford

The audience listened to a KCK school board meeting today. The board members were all on the telephone. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)