‘Enough Is Enough’ community forum planned tonight in KCK

An “Enough Is Enough” community forum will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, in a virtual meeting.

The forum is sponsored by the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools Police Department and the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

The school board is leading an effort to stop violence in the community. During the past year, more than 20 students have been lost, including 11 to gun violence.

The “Enough Is Enough” campaign has featured blue ribbons displayed throughout the community in the effort to end violence. A pledge drive is online at https://enough.kckps.org/.

A pledge drive has been started, so that individuals in the community can pledge to end violence.

Those interested in participating in the forum may sign up at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kf-mtpzIrHtyqyB9fvg7ZBYpi-pVpUFLp.

For more information on the “Enough Is Enough” campaign, visit https://kckps.org/enough-is-enough-a-new-initiative-from-kansas-city-kansas-public-schools/.