Emergency crews respond to fair

Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department personnel responded to a medical emergency, possible heat exhaustion, on the Main Stage Saturday evening at the Wyandotte County Fair, 137th and Polfer Road. At 6 p.m. Saturday, it was about 91 degrees with a heat index of 94. A band member was looked at and released at the scene. (Photo by Mary Rupert)

A member of the Silver Streak band was overcome by heat exhaustion while playing on the Main Stage on Saturday evening at the Wyandotte County Fair, 137th and Polfer Road, Kansas City, Kansas.

Rick Kesterson said he is resting at home today and is better, still recuperating from exhaustion, with a headache, and is going to be fine.

Kesterson and Silver Streak play at many area events, including rodeos, fairs, fraternal events, wedding receptions and retirements.

Performers and fairgoers experienced a hot day Saturday, with temperatures reaching 91 at 6 p.m. with a heat index of 94.

Kesterson said the sun was going down when his concert started around 6:15 p.m., and the heat just got atrocious. The hot sun was on the faces of the performers at sunset. He was treated at the scene, and did not want to go to a hospital.

He added he hopes that next year they will turn the stage around so it faces the other direction.

“Other than that, we had a really great time,” Kesterson said about his day.