Kansas school board rejects commissioner’s resignation, suspends him for 30 days

In a statement before the Kansas Board of Education’s private session Friday, board president Jim Porter criticized the governor and others for publicly calling for Watson to resign.

by Suzanne Perez, Kansas News Service and KMUW

Wichita — The Kansas Board of Education rejected a letter of resignation from Commissioner Randy Watson on Friday, instead opting to suspend him without pay for 30 days.

The action came after Watson made a comment about Native Americans during a conference last week that some people criticized as racially insensitive. Gov. Laura Kelly and some lawmakers called for Watson to resign.

“All of us received numerous correspondence yesterday from people, overwhelmingly supportive of Dr. Watson,” board president Jim Porter said Friday.

“We realize that there are those people that are going to be upset by this decision. We recognize that. But we also think it is critically important for us as leaders to reach out to those people and start rebuilding relationships. Because the bigger issue is the fact that people are being discriminated against or treated unfairly in schools, and that is something that is our absolute responsibility to show leadership on.”

Watson submitted a letter of resignation to the State Board of Education Friday morning. That letter has not been made public.

The state board met in a private session for about an hour Friday. Afterward, board members voted unanimously to reject Watson’s resignation and suspend him for 30 days, beginning Monday.

Deputy Commissioner Craig Neuenswander will serve as acting commissioner during the suspension.

Prior to the private session, Porter acknowledged receiving Watson’s letter of resignation and briefly spoke about concerns.

“We are not here to excuse or justify (Watson’s) statement in any way. It should not have been said,” he said. “That fact was immediately recognized by the commissioner, who has made multiple apologies. However, these apologies have not been accepted by many who were affected.”

Porter also criticized the governor and others for publicly calling for Watson to resign.

“That is not their responsibility,” he said. “A more appropriate action would have been to contact the responsible party — in this case, the Kansas State Board of Education — with their recommendations.”

Porter said he and other board members had “many contacts” about Watson, “with most of them … recognizing his significant accomplishments and asking us to continue to support him.”

Watson made a remark during a conference on virtual education last week:

“I had some cousins in California. They were petrified of tornadoes. They’d come visit us, you know, in the summer. They’re like, ‘Are we going to get killed by a tornado?’ And I’d say, ‘Don’t worry about that. But you gotta worry about the Indians raiding the town at any time,’” Watson said.

“And they really thought that, you know? Grew up in California, I guess you don’t know much of the history of Kansas.”

Among the people calling for Watson’s resignation were three Native American Kansas legislators and Joseph Rupnick, chairman of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

Porter said on Friday that he found it “ironic” that Watson was asked to resign.

“There are a number of people in this state in elected and executive positions who have actually been arrested for various illegal activities, but they have some things in common,” Porter said. “All were given the opportunity to participate in due process and had the opportunity to be heard in the appropriate forum.

“Some did not take responsibility for their actions. Some blame others for their actions. Another thing they have in common is that they all remain in their position with no or limited consequences. It seems ironic to me that Commissioner Watson, who owned and did take responsibility for his statement, which was not illegal, feels … forced to resign by outside forces.”

Watson was named education commissioner in November 2014 and took over the position in 2015. He previously served as superintendent of McPherson public schools.

During his tenure with the Kansas Department of Education, Watson introduced the “Kansas Can” vision for education, which focuses on social-emotional education, kindergarten readiness, civic engagement and individual plans of study.

Watson also helped launch the Kansas Can School Redesign project, which encourages public schools to reinvent themselves around personalized and project-based learning.

Suzanne Perez reports on education for KMUW in Wichita and the Kansas News Service. You can follow her on Twitter @SuzPerezICT.
The Kansas News Service is a collaboration of KCUR, Kansas Public Radio, KMUW and High Plains Public Radio focused on health, the social determinants of health and their connection to public policy.
Kansas News Service stories and photos may be republished by news media at no cost with proper attribution and a link to ksnewsservice.org.
See more at https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-02-25/kansas-education-commissioner-submits-resignation-following-derogatory-remark

Kansas governor calls on education commissioner to resign for discriminatory remark

Watson allegedly made insensitive statements about American Indians

by Tim Carpenter, Kansas Reflector

Topeka — Gov. Laura Kelly said Thursday the state’s education commissioner must resign after making a discriminatory remark and urged the Kansas State Board of Education to work on addressing problems raised by the comments.

Randy Watson, the commissioner of education since 2014, was speaking during a virtual conference earlier this month when he made an insensitive statement about American Indians. A social media post quoting Watson couldn’t be verified.

The governor said the state of Kansas and the state Board of Education must take seriously commentary by officials that expressed insensitivity.

“There is no question that Randy Watson must resign his position immediately, given his comments last week,” Kelly said. “However, the Board of Education must also focus on ways to address these issues going forward.”

Kelly said the state should build on “this moment to celebrate diversity and ensure that all Kansas school children are treated with dignity and respect.”

The state Board of Education scheduled for Friday a closed-door meeting to discuss an “inappropriate” comment by Watson. It is considered a personnel matter, which allows that conversation to occur in executive session. If the board dismissed Watson, that action would be affirmed in public session.

Board members Ann Mah, of Topeka, and Jim McNiece, of Wichita, said they wanted to learn more about what Watson said during a virtual conference that occurred Feb. 14-15.

Mah couldn’t provide Watson’s exact words, but she said they would be considered “inappropriate” and out of character for the commissioner.

On Wednesday, Kansas Reflector submitted a Kansas Open Records Act request for a video of Watson that would shed light on the controversy.

Kansas Reflector stories, www.kansasreflector.com, may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
See more at https://kansasreflector.com/2022/02/24/kansas-governor-calls-on-education-commissioner-to-resign-for-discriminatory-remark/

A push to dump the Kansas food sales tax could run into election politics

Efforts to eliminate the 6.5% sales tax on food have the support of the leading candidates for governor, but the change has hit some political hurdles nonetheless.

by Dylan Lysen, KCUR and Kansas News Service

Lawrence, Kansas — Buying groceries has become more difficult for Patty Wiggins.

Previously, a week’s worth of groceries cost the retired nurse about $30. But as inflation over the last year made seemingly everything more expensive, the groceries cost about $50.

To help fill that gap, Wiggins, who lives in Lawrence, supplements her groceries through her local food bank, Just Food. Wiggins said she wished she wouldn’t need to do that, and there is some hope that some relief is on the way.

Kansas lawmakers are debating a bill that would eliminate state sales tax on food. If the bill becomes law, it would wipe out the state’s 6.5% sales tax on food and provide a little more spending room for shoppers like Wiggins.

“(Spending) $10 or $20 more a month may not sound like a lot,” Wiggins said. “But it makes a difference, especially when you live like me on a fixed income.”

Despite apparent bipartisan support for dumping the sales tax on food — it’s a top priority of Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly and the change has support from Attorney General Derek Schmidt, her likely re-election opponent in November — the effort looks shaky at best.

Already, one state Senate committee has amended the proposal to delay the end of the tax by a year, to Jan. 1, 2024.

The Republican-controlled Legislature has also tried to tie the measure to other, more partisan tax changes. And GOP lawmakers could be reluctant to give Kelly a win on cutting taxes in an election year.

Can the state afford it?

Republican state Sen. Caryn Tyson from southeast Kansas chairs the tax committee and said the elimination of the sales tax on food has been complicated by another major tax bill. The governor lobbied hard for a change in law that will let the state give roughly $1 billion in potential tax incentives to a company — its identity hasn’t been made public — if it delivers on promises for a manufacturing plant with thousands of jobs.

Tyson said if the company chooses to move to Kansas, the state would be providing millions of dollars in incentives to the company for years. Erasing the sales tax on food could cost the state from $320 million to $785 million a year in revenue. Tyson said the tax giveaways to a new, large employer would make it harder to afford the lost money to the state that would come with exempting food from the sales tax.

“We have to be good stewards of the state’s money,” Tyson said. “That has to be taken into consideration when working on other kinds of legislation.”

Along with pushing back the start date of the food sales tax cut, the amended bill also includes making changes to the state’s sales tax on utilities.

Sen. Tom Holland, the top-ranking Democrat on the tax committee, wants the food sales tax to go away in July — not a year and a half later.

Holland also said Kansas can afford to offer the incentives to a manufacturer and cut the sales tax because the state expects to have more than $2 billion in surplus at the end of the fiscal year in June.

“We need to get that tax relief back to Kansas families,” he said. “The best way we can do that is a sales tax refund bill.”

Inflation pressure

Advocates for the cut have said it is needed now to give Kansans a break when food prices are skyrocketing.

The U.S. Department of Labor says the country saw a 7.5% increase in rate of inflation over the last year, which is the largest increase since 1982.

Wiggins, the retired nurse, said she saw a small increase to her Social Security checks. But she said that didn’t make much of a difference.

“It’s all gone because of the inflation,” Wiggins said. “They say inflation has hit certain portions of the groceries. But what I see in the stores, it has hit everything.”

She is not alone. Brain Walker, president for the Kansas Food Bank based in Wichita, said many of the more than 200,000 Kansans his organization serves would benefit from food sales tax relief. Removing the tax would immediately allow them to put more food on their tables, he said.

People with lower incomes are disproportionately affected by the tax, Walker said. He used the example of a four-person family making $20,000 a year purchasing the same amount of food as a four-person family making $100,000 a year. While the families buy the same amount of food and pay the same amount of tax on it, the family with a smaller household income pays a larger percentage of that income toward the tax.

“To us, it makes really good sense,” Walker said. “When you cut the sales tax, you aren’t favoring anybody — both groups of folks get the relief. But the help it extends to a struggling family is huge.”

Election politics

Debates about giving breaks to consumers and whether the state can afford the lost revenue — Republicans note that the state’s financial surplus is propped up by federal pandemic aid that won’t continue in years to come — come in the midst of an election year.

Kelly, who is running for a second term, has repeatedly called for the cut of the tax. It featured prominently in her State of the State address in January and her “Axe the Food Tax” slogan plays in her re-election campaign. Kelly says it would save the average Kansas family about $500 a year.

But Schmidt also asked lawmakers to make a cut this year.

In a letter to Republican legislative leaders in November, Schmidt called for the lawmakers to eliminate or at least significantly reduce the tax on groceries because of inflation.

Wiggins said she hopes lawmakers don’t delay on approving legislation.

“It would be nice to think they would pass it and get started changing (the tax),” she said. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Dylan Lysen reports on politics for the Kansas News Service. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanLysen or email him at dlysen (at) kcur (dot) org.
The Kansas News Service is a collaboration of KCUR, Kansas Public Radio, KMUW and High Plains Public Radio focused on health, the social determinants of health and their connection to public policy.
Kansas News Service stories and photos may be republished by news media at no cost with proper attribution and a link to ksnewsservice.org.
See more at https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-02-22/a-push-to-dump-the-kansas-food-sales-tax-could-run-into-election-politics.