KCK student named to President’s List

Madison Heydinger of Kansas City, Kansas, was named to the spring 2018 President’s List at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, for excellence in academics.

Students must have at least a 4.0 grade point average to be on the President’s List.

Founded in 1906, Georgia Southern University is a public Carnegie Doctoral-Research institution.

KCKCC budget hearing to be Tuesday, Aug. 14

The Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees will hold a budget hearing at its meeting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14.

The meeting will be in the upper level Jewell Building on the KCKCC campus, 7250 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The proposed mill levy is the same as last year, 27.384 mills.

Expenditures from 2017 to 2018 were $74.8 million, and would increase to $81.76 million under the proposed 2018-2019 budget.

Assessed valuation in the area served by the college increased by about 7.8 percent.

After the budget hearing, the Board of Trustees meeting will take place. The agenda is at http://www.kckcc.edu/docs/default-source/default-document-library/board-of-trustees/agenda-august-14-2018-budget-hearing.pdf?sfvrsn=6.

Public hearing on KCK school budget scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 14

A public hearing on the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools budget is scheduled at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14, at the district’s Central Office at 2010 N. 59th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

After the public hearing, the Kansas City, Kansas, school board is scheduled to vote on the budget.

There is no change to the mill levy rate, 49.39 mills, from last year. Assessed valuation went up on average in the school district this year. The total expenditures would be $445.2 million under the proposed budget, compared to $402.9 million for the 2017-2018 year.

Several other items are on the meeting agenda, including contract renewal for Cornerstones of Care; contract modifications for the Wyandotte County Extension Council Kidzone program; an agreement with the United Way of Wyandotte County for Project Spark early childhood program; an addition to the agreement with Corporate Integrity Systems, in its audit or review of existing administration positions; and a bid from Blue Chip Athletic of $39,178.50 for wrestling uniforms for all district middle and high schools, with bids received from six companies.

A closed, executive session is planned to discuss superintendent goals.

To view an earlier story about the budget, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/kck-school-board-advances-budget-with-flat-mill-levy-rate/.