Bruce Middle School receives funds for school supplies

Carl Bruce Middle School in Kansas City, Kansas, recently received $2,500 for school supplies through the Learning Quest 529 accounts. (Photo from Kansas State Treasurer’s office)

Kansas State Treasurer Lynn Rogers presented Carl B. Bruce Middle School in Kansas City, Kansas, with a $2,500 check to be used for the purchase of school supplies.

This giveaway was made possible through Learning Quest 529 accounts, which allow individuals to save money for post-secondary educational expenses, according to a spokesman.

“529 accounts are a great resource for individuals to use for their own educational expenses,” Rogers said. “And businesses can set them up to provide funds to employees for continuing education as well.”

“Learning Quest is a great program, and I’m excited to be supporting Carl Bruce Middle School with school supplies this year. Having been a school board member, I know how much of an impact we are making with this program.”

Carl B. Bruce Middle School was chosen as a random winner of the Choose My School Supply Drive that was run by the Treasurer’s Office. There were over 2,300 nominations total for the giveaway. Several other schools also were awarded funding. No taxpayer funds were used.

For more information about Learning Quest, visit