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At the Fringe Festival …
“Puerto Rican American Gothic,” a comedy, was playing on Tuesday night at the Loretto Commons, 1111 W. 39th St., Kansas City, Missouri. The performance includes adult language. The Fringe Festival continues through July 28. For more information, visit (Photo by William Crum) “Puerto Rican American Gothic,” a comedy, was playing on Tuesday night at the Loretto Commons, 1111 W. 39th St., Kansas City, Missouri. The performance includes adult language. The Fringe Festival continues through July 28. For more information, visit (Photo by William Crum) “Puerto Rican American Gothic,” a comedy, was playing on Tuesday night at the Loretto Commons, 1111 W. 39th St., Kansas City, Missouri. The performance includes adult language. The Fringe Festival continues through July 28. For more information, visit (Photo by William Crum)