Roundtable discussion held on early childhood education

A roundtable discussion on early childhood education was held Wednesday afternoon at the Children’s Campus of Kansas City, 444 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The event was held by U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist. (Photo by William Crum)
A roundtable discussion on early childhood education was held Wednesday afternoon at the Children’s Campus of Kansas City, 444 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The event was held by U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., center. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

A roundtable discussion on early childhood education was sponsored Wednesday by U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., in Kansas City, Kansas.

The event took place at the Children’s Campus of Kansas City, 444 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. About 150 persons attended.

One panelist said she has heard from her staff that children are coming to their center with more needs and adverse experiences. There was also discussion about the need for wraparound services, starting early childhood education earlier and expanding the age range, access to high-quality programs, higher pay for employees in the field, and more support and recognition from the federal level for early childhood programs.

Rep. Davids said she wanted to figure out ways to help education at the federal level. She said she has had the chance to vote to implement record levels of funding for Head Start and child care development block grants.

Panelists included Paula Neth, vice president of programs, The Family Conservancy; Terrie VanZandt-Travis, executive director, Growing Futures Early Education Center; Dr. Tyrone Bates, coordinator of diversity, equity and inclusion, Shawnee Mission School District; Dr. Eva Horn, special education professor and coordinator of Early Childhood Unified Program, University of Kansas; and Lisa London, director, Project Eagle and Educare.

Rep. Davids said that helping her constituents was one of her most important responsibilities.

Anyone who is having issues with the federal government and red tape may call Rep. Davids’ office at 913-766-3993, and they will assist with any federal agency.

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