Nominations open for KCKCC’s Mid-America Education Hall of Fame

by Kelly Rogge, KCKCC

Nominations are being accepted for the Kansas City Kansas Community College Foundation’s Mid-America Education Hall of Fame Awards and Scholarship event.

The awards recognize someone who has demonstrated dedication and commitment to education.

The Mid America Education Hall of Fame started in 1996 as a way to recognize individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations in the community who have made notable contributions to educational and student success, community development and/or philanthropy. The 2019 inductees are listed at

Class of 2020 inductees will be recognized at a formal induction ceremony at this year’s event on April 25 at the Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center.

Criteria used to select the Mid-America Education Hall of Fame inductees include:

• Demonstrates a commitment to education or Kansas City Kansas Community College, or both;
• Works to improve the quality of life in the community through their passion for education;
• Strives to increase educational opportunities for others;
• Supports significant changes that have improved the quality of education;
• Can be an individual, organization, or company from the Mid-America region.

Submit the following nomination materials by email to Audrey Alexander at [email protected] or by mail to the KCKCC Foundation, 7250 State Ave., Suite 3500, Kansas City, Kansas 66112. The deadline is Jan. 28.
Nomination materials include:
• Nomination Form at
• Biography of the person, organization or company being nominated including a brief history and synopsis of activities related to the nomination criteria.
• At least two letters of recommendation (no more than three) in support of the nomination written by separate entities.

The Mid-America Education Hall of Fame is online at

For more information on the Mid-America Education Hall of Fame or to submit a nomination, contact Audrey Alexander at 913-288-7584 or by email at [email protected].