KCK superintendent to give progress report tonight

Dr. Charles Foust, superintendent of Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, will provide members of the Board of Education with a report on the district’s academic progress during the regular scheduled board meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22.

The superintendent’s progress report highlights district trends and overall academic performance during the 2018-2019 school year. This will include state assessment results, graduation rates and results from the district’s flagship Diploma+ program.

“I want parents and the community to be informed about the work that is being done in every school and every classroom to ensure that we’re, all ‘On Track’ to excellence. We implemented a 30 to 60 to 90-day plan to begin the movement towards positive growth,” Dr. Foust said.

The 2017-2018 district-wide report card revealed that 60 percent of the students scored below Kansas Curricular Standards.

2017-2018 Academic Report

English Language Arts (includes Reading and Writing)



In a district of nearly 22,000 students, the 2017-2018 percentages reflect a little more than 4 percent of students proficient. Dr. Foust and his instructional leadership have implemented strategies to improve teaching and learning in the classroom.

“We want to share the data from that work and the trajectory to becoming proficient in English Language Arts, Math and Science since the implementation of our district processes,” Foust said.

The superintendent has invited parents, teachers and the public to attend the upcoming school board meeting this evening at the KCKPS Central Office Training Center located at 2010 N. 59th St. in Kansas City, Kansas, to see and hear the results for themselves.