Two budget hearings scheduled today

Budget hearings for the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools and the Kansas City Kansas Community College are scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 13.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools will have a budget hearing during the 5 p.m. meeting Aug. 13 at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

There will be a public hearing on the budget during the meeting. To view the budget, visit$file/Notice%20of%20Budget%20Hearing%20USD%20500.pdf.

The proposed KCKPS mill rate is 49.489 mills, as compared to the same mill rate for 2018-2019.

More information about the budget is on the district’s website at

KCKCC will hold its budget hearing at 5 p.m. Aug. 13 at the Upper Jewell building, 7250 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The public may make comments during the hearing.

The proposed estimated tax rate is 27.382 mills as compared to last year’s 27.383.