Top students in KCK Public Schools honored

The top students in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools were honored recently with a program at Wyandotte High School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools)

Top students in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools were named to the Superintendent’s Honor Roll recently.

Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent, recognized more than 300 top students at a celebration held recently at Wyandotte High School.

Those who were named to the Superintendent’s Honor Roll met these qualifications:

• Secondary level students (grades 6-12) must have achieved straight “A’s” (with “B’s” in honors classes being considered the equivalent of an “A”) for the first three quarters of the school year.
• Elementary level students (grades 2-5) must have achieved all “E’s and M’s” for the first three quarters of the school year.
• Students must have been enrolled in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools for the entire 2017-2018 school year.
• Students may have no disciplinary infractions during the school year.
• Students may have no more than three unexcused absences during the school year.

To see the names of the students honored at the ceremony, visit

The top students in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools were honored recently with a program at Wyandotte High School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools)
The top students in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools were honored recently with a program at Wyandotte High School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools)
Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent of the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, addressed honors students at a recent program at Wyandotte High School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools)