Anti-corruption rally held in KCK

An anti-corruption rally by Team Roc and the Midwest Innocence Project rolled through downtown Kansas City, Kansas, today.

The rally demanded justice in Kansas City, Kansas, specifically mentioning the cases of former detective Roger Golubski, and asked for an investigation by the U.S. Justice Department into the Kansas City, Kansas, police force.

Local activist Marcus Winn, director of voter engagement with MORE2, who supports an increased investigation, made this statement about today’s rally:

“Today’s rally with both local and national partners is a continuation of the years-long campaign for transparency, accountability, and long delayed justice that MORE2 has undertaken here in Wyandotte County,” Winn stated.

“While we celebrate positive steps in the reform of the Wyandotte County criminal legal system, more must be done: a full pattern or practice investigation of the entire Kansas City, Kansas Police Department, a full review of every case touched by Roger Golubski, and freedom for those who remain falsely incarcerated because of corruption in our county. MORE2 remains committed to this vision of justice for all in Wyandotte County.”

To see some video clips from the rally, visit the Team Roc Facebook page at

To view a story about this rally, visit