KCKCC budget hearing scheduled today

The budget hearing and the hearing for exceeding the tax revenue neutral rate for Kansas City Kansas Community College is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23, at the college, main campus, Upper Jewell building, 7250 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

According to a budget summary document published in the Wyandotte Echo on Aug. 11, the KCKCC proposed budget for 2022-2023 would be a mill rate of 27.382, the same amount as the 2021-2022 year.

The revenue neutral rate would be 24.108 mills, and the proposed amount is around 3 mills higher.

Assessed valuation is up about $200,000 over last year, meaning that the same mill levy would produce more dollars, according to the budget document. The total tax levied would be $46,799,984 for 2022-2023 as compared to $41,133,834 for 2021-2022, according to the budget document.

There will be a presentation on the final KCKCC budget at the 5 p.m. meeting today, according to the meeting agenda.

Budgets are subject to change, until final approval by the board.

Also planned on Aug. 23 are executive sessions at 4 p.m. to discuss personnel matters, to discuss acquisition of real property and to consult with the attorney.

Other items besides the budget hearing on the 5 p.m. agenda include the KCKCC annual report; a resolution about allowing wine at a Catholic Mass at the college; reports from college officials; and a draft of the 2024 -2027 strategic plan creation calendar.

The proposed budget also is contained in agenda documents online at https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/trustees/agenda/2022-2023/board-of-trustees-budget-hearing-and-regular-meeting-book-aug-23-2022.pdf.

The meeting will be livestreamed at https://vimeo.com/731014899.