KCK school board to meet today

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9, in the third floor board room, Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the agenda are a spring sports recognition; the human resources report and recommendations; contract renewal for legal services; funding development plan to build a new Main Library facility; EPA clean bus rebate; KCK Schools Foundation for Excellence amended articles of incorporation; low bids for cafeteria tables and seating for high schools; elementary reading intervention resources; masking policy with options presented for COVID mitigation; and policy updates.

Also on the agenda are three executive or closed sessions. To be discussed are security measures and nonelected personnel, according to the agenda.

The meeting will be on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bpqGEXNWIKs.

For more information, visit https://go.boarddocs.com/ks/kckps/Board.nsf/vpublic?open#.