Community arts engagement conversation planned tonight in KCK

The Strawberry Hill Museum, 720 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas, will be the site of a community engagement session tonight.

The Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission event will be from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 4, at the Strawberry Hill Museum in KCK.

There will be live music, refreshments and conversation.

The KCAIC is engaging communities throughout Kansas to create a strategic plan focused on developing creative and cultural resources as an essential catalyst for innovation and community revitalization, according to KCAIC website information.

The KCAIC is developing a plan that is aimed at re-imagining the place culture holds in Kansas communities, expanding the role the arts play in achieving local priorities, building and supporting statewide infrastructure for the creative sector and outlining broad, high-impact strategies that Kansas sees as necessary for individuals and communities to thrive, according to KCAIC website information.

Members of the public also may contribute their thoughts about the importance of art and culture online at

To register for the May 4 event, visit