KCK school board scheduled to meet today

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is scheduled to meet at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12.

Some of the items on the agenda for the meeting include a mask policy discussion and Eisenhower Park discussion, including discussion about the NFL football field surface grant.

In addition, the board will hear about the Esser III preliminary application.

Many other items are on the agenda, which is online at https://go.boarddocs.com/ks/kckps/Board.nsf/vpublic?open.

The 4:30 p.m. Tuesday meeting will be available for public viewing on YouTube.

One thought on “KCK school board scheduled to meet today”

  1. I believe having a board with different views and opinions is good as it brings perspective. However, it is very unfortunate to see how some board members can’t seem to disagree respectfully ( I had hope on the new ones!) . It is ok to disagree, but no need to attack each other, personally, each time there is a difference of opinion. KCKPS has shared that they don’t tolerate bullying (bully: to treat (someone) in a cruel, insulting, threatening, or aggressive fashion). How we expect our students to act with respect when our leadership is not modeling that. I was very impressed with the words of the board president, Mr Lopez, before they went to executive meeting. Well say! Now let’s hope we start seeing a difference. Let’s remember that none of these board members are there because they are making money, they are there because they care for our families and staff and want to make a difference. Be respectful to each other, agree to disagree, support each other when mistakes are made, WORK TOGETHER, help us move forward. #StrongerTogether

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