KCK school board scheduled to meet today

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is scheduled to meet at 4:30 p.m. today, March 22, in the Central Office and Training Center, third floor board room, 2010 N. 59th St.

There are a number of topics on the agenda for Tuesday.

Topics include an environment scan – academic review; Early Childhood Resource adoption; evaluation committee proposal recommendation for network services and internet access; low bid recommendation for asbestos abatement at Bethel Elementary; solicitation for bids on window replacement at Whitter Elementary and North Central Office, Early Childhood Center; purchase of artificial intelligence UVC and spray disinfection robot for nonpublic school; mural painting at Schlagle High School, low bids for 2022 summer painting projects; Esser III update; and a bond finance resolution.

In addition, other items on the agenda are the purchase of independent reading books for elementary and middle school students, a bid for concrete repairs, boiler and associated component replacement projects and proximity learning.

Other reports on the agenda include a special education update, academic data, boundary report, capital improvement, human resource and nutritional services.

In addition, there are personnel items to be discussed in a closed executive session, and teacher negotiations also are on the executive session list.

The meeting is expected to be shown on YouTube.

To see the agenda, including more items on it, visit