Learn to Swim program launches

The Learn to Swim program launched Wednesday at the Providence YMCA-Ball Family Center, 8601 Parallel Parkway. (Photo by Sara Thacker, KCKPS)
A ribbon-cutting was held for the new Learn to Swim program on Wednesday at the Providence YMCA-Ball Family Center. (Photo by Sara Thacker, KCKPS)
Children in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools will receive swimming instructions through the Learn to Swim program. (Photo by Sara Thacker, KCKPS)
The guest speaker at the Wednesday event was Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones. (Photo by Sara Thacker, KCKPS)

The Learn to Swim program launched on Wednesday, Feb. 23, at the Providence YMCA-Ball Family Center, 8601 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas.

After the drowning of a 13-year-old Kansas City, Kansas, boy last summer, the YMCA, the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools and the Unified Government launched a Learn to Swim program.

Funded by a grant from Warner Media, the program provides swimming lessons at no cost to students in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools.

The guest speaker at the launch on Wednesday was Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones.

To see an earlier story, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/youth-swimming-program-to-start-in-february/.