Thunderstorm rolling over Wyandotte County

Clouds over Wyandotte County on Monday night. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

A thunderstorm was rolling over Wyandotte County at about 7:55 p.m. Monday.

According to the National Weather Service, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Lansing, moving southeast at 30 mph, at 7:36 p.m. Monday.

The storm has winds in excess of 40 mph and penny-size hail. The storm could cause damage to trees and blow around unsecured objects, causing minor damage to outdoor objects, according to the weather service.

Two UG committees to meet tonight

The Unified Government Economic Development and Finance Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, June 6, followed by the UG Neighborhood and Community Development Committee meeting.

The meetings will be in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 512, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas. They also will be on Zoom.

On the agenda for the EDF meeting:

• A presentation about the $5 county facility fee charged by the UG Treasury Department for in-person renewal of vehicle tags.

• A presentation of budget revisions of more than $50,000 for radio replacement for Wyandotte County area fire services.

• A presentation about a budget revision of more than $50,000 for construction of a new Turner fire station.

• A resolution of intent to issue industrial revenue bonds not to exceed $13 million to finance the costs of acquiring, constructing, improving and equipping a multi-purpose commercial project at the Rock Island Bridge for the benefit of Flying Truss LLC.

• A resolution to terminate the Scavuzzo Foodie Park development agreement and subsequent amendments, for the property at the former Indian Springs mall.

• An ordinance to repeal the 2019 Midtown Redevelopment Plan.

• A resolution to approve a special project application for a rebate on incremental property taxes according to the Neighborhood Revitalization Act Plan for the redevelopment of the Brotherhood Bank Building, 753 State Ave., into residential apartment units and upgraded office space.

• A resolution of intent to issue bonds not to exceed $12 million to finance the costs of acquiring, constructing, improving and equipping a multi-=purpose commercial project for the benefit of KDG LLC, concerning the Brotherhood Bank Building.

• An option contract for the real estate pubchase agreement between KDG LLC and the UG for the real estate at 742 Minnesota Ave.

• A resolution of intent to issue industrial revenue bonds not to exceed $62 million to finance the costs of acquiring, constructing, improving and equipping a commercial multifamily facility for the benefit of Criterion Development Partners LLC.

On the agenda for the NCD meeting:

• A resolution to support the Mid-America Regional Council’s KC regional Climate Action Plan, and for the UG staff to conduct a citywide risk and vulnerability assessment to encourage greater community resiliency.

• Presentation on a proposed regional approach to Micro Mobility Management.

• Land Bank property transfers, including:
Yard extensions
4967 Oak Ave., Kendall Blakeney.
1522 S. 8th St., Diana S. Davila.

The Zoom link for the meetings:
The passcode: 104882

The toll-free phone numbers for the meetings are 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.

The webinar ID number is 898 1372 0632.

For more information about the meetings and how to access them, visit

KCK school board to meet today

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is scheduled to meet at 3 p.m. today, June 6, in a special board meeting at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the agenda for the meeting are a human resources report and recommendation; the Safe and Secure Schools grant; and the 2022-2023 budget.

The meeting will be in the third floor board room at the Central Office.

The meeting will be available to the public on Zoom at

The passcode is 406740.

The agenda for the meeting is at