Health care advocates tie decrease in school COVID-19 clusters to increase in masking

by Noah Taborda, Kansas Reflector

Topeka — With flu season fast approaching, a panel of education and health care advocates are touting the effect school masking policies have had on an apparent decrease in outbreaks in the classroom.

Despite adding 10 new school clusters, the number of active outbreaks has dropped from 68 last week to 56 this week. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is reporting 546 cases connected to these ongoing clusters.

Circle Towanda Intermediate School in Butler County currently has the most COVID-19 cases within the last 14 days, with 20. Hillsboro Elementary School in Marion County and Yates Center Middle School in Woodson County both reported 12 cases in the past two weeks.

Marci Nielsen, chief adviser to the governor for COVID-19 coordination, pointed to an increase in the number of school districts implementing masking policies.

“It is important for us to understand whether masks, at the end of the day, prevent outbreaks in schools,” Nielsen said. “These trends continue to show that in Kansas, when we require masks, we see fewer outbreaks impacting fewer students.”

Nielsen shared Wednesday with the governor’s Safer Classroom Workgroup that of those districts with an active outbreak, 37% had a mask requirement. Those with no mandate or unknown policies had triple the number of cases per capita.

Nielsen reported Kansas has made many strides in the last month, as case numbers across the state tail off. Since Monday, KDHE has recorded 2,121 new cases, nine new deaths and 91 hospitalizations.

Pediatric numbers appear to be improving but school-aged children remain at the highest risk of contracting COVID-19, Nielsen said.

As the weather gets colder, panel members such as state education commissioner Randy Watson are on guard for another surge this fall or winter. Watson praised KDHE’s testing protocol, which continues to attract participating districts.

However, 22% of public and private schools have expressed no interest. Watson said improving this number could prove pivotal to keeping children in school during the winter.

“Last winter was a brutal winter, and we’re hoping that that doesn’t occur again,” he said. “We have less resistance to voluntary testing because people want to be in school and they want to participate in those activities.”

Kimber Kasitz, the head nurse for Wichita Public Schools, said being back in schools is improving not only academic success but students’ social-emotional well-being. During the pandemic, she saw an increase in the number of students coping with mental health issues — from depression to anxiety to suicidal thoughts.

Returning to in-person learning has alleviated some of these concerns, Kasitz said, while endorsing school participation in the state-funded testing strategies. Any mitigation effort that reduces the amount of time students must spend isolated from one another goes a long way, she said.

“It’s been huge to see the numbers of kids that are able to be back at in-school learning but also being able to get those peer relationships back that they missed out on over the last couple of years,” Kasitz said.

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Lineman’s rodeo to be Saturday at Ag Hall

Five linemen from the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities will compete against hundreds of other utility workers from across the nation and as far away as Canada, Hawaii and the United Kingdom at the annual International Lineman’s Rodeo Saturday, Oct. 16, at the National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame in Bonner Springs, Kansas.

The linemen will test their professional and trade skills in a unique competition that is open to the public.

Hundreds of utility professionals will be in town for an annual trade show and expo in Overland Park, Kansas, with the highlight being the “Lineman’s Rodeo,” a series of competitions testing various lineman skills and safety techniques on the Ag Hall grounds.

BPU will be represented by one team and two apprentice linemen. Eric Ferguson, Jake Janes, Trenton Overton, Josh Cook and Tommy Wombwell this year will be competing against more than 900 linemen representing over 200 teams from various private and municipal utilities.

The rodeo competition will occur on Saturday, Oct. 16, at the Agricultural Hall of Fame in Bonner Springs, kicking off at 7 a.m. Team and apprentice events will include the Hurtman Rescue, the Pole Climb, and several mystery events. An awards banquet will be held at the Overland Park Convention Center at 6 p.m. that evening.

The International Lineman’s Rodeo was first held in 1984, and was created to maintain a focus on safety and safe work practices and to recognize the technical craft skills of utility lineman. One other purpose has always been for the participants to have fun while sharing work knowledge with others in their trade from different companies and different parts of the country. Go to for more information about this event.

  • Story from BPU

Democrats to meet Saturday

Mark Holland, former Kansas City, Kansas, mayor, will be the guest speaker at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast meeting Saturday, Oct. 16 at Las Islas VIP Sports Bar and Grill, 4929 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The meeting will be held in the parking lot at the location. People will start gathering about 8 a.m., with the program at 9 a.m.

Holland, a United Methodist minister, is a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2022.

Also on the program Saturday will be Hank Chamberlain, Democratic National committeeman, who will give a report of last weekend’s DNC Zoom meeting.

Hana’s Donuts will be available for the meeting.

Candidates on the Nov. 2 ballot who are Democratic registered voters and did not speak at last month’s breakfast are invited to speak Saturday. All Democratic candidates may bring signs and literature for distribution.

The meeting is open to Democrats.