Rep. Marshall issues statement on Postal Service

U.S. Rep. Roger Marshall issued the following statement before members of the House of Representatives return to Washington, D.C. on Saturday to vote on legislation on the U.S. Postal Service.

Rep. Marshall, a Republican, is a doctor from the Great Bend, Kansas, area, who is running for U.S. Senate.

“I have been a leading Republican supporter of the United States Postal Service since my arrival in Congress three years ago as it is a critical part of communications, health care, and business in Kansas, especially in rural areas where the Postal Service is often the only means of receiving mail,” Rep. Marshall said in the statement. “Since coming to Congress I have advocated for bills that would push back on privatization, continue 6-day mail delivery services, ensure door delivery for customers, and put the Postal Service on a path to achieve long-term fiscal sustainability. The USPS has been in a dire financial situation for years, losing over $80 billion over the past 14 years, which is why dramatic structural changes are needed to save the USPS. In the meantime, the Postal Service currently has $14 billion cash-on-hand and, under the CARES Act passed earlier this year with my support, has the option of receiving an additional $10 billion loan from the Treasury Department. I will continue to stand with Kansans in support of the USPS.”

On Tuesday, U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced he is suspending all operational reforms and initiatives until after the November presidential election.

“I’m glad to see President Trump’s Administration put an end to the fear mongering by Democrats and the media by choosing to suspend what have been long-standing operational practices, for the sake of ensuring public trust in our electoral process,” Rep. Marshall said. “I am committed to a safe election without fraud.”

Kansas teachers could owe their schools thousands if they quit over coronavirus concerns

by Stephan Bisaha

Wichita, Kansas — Kansas teachers who don’t feel safe going back to crowded hallways as schools reopen could take medical leave or teach online. But at the many districts that don’t have those options, teachers eye another choice: quitting.

Resigning would mean more than losing steady paychecks during a recession and insurance during a pandemic. Teachers that leave now must pay their districts thousands of dollars.

Most Kansas public teachers must retire or resign early in the summer or pay their school district to find a replacement. Unless a district or a teacher says otherwise, contracts roll over into the new year.

It’s usually a routine thing. Notably, the upcoming school year looks much the same when those contracts are signed as when kids return for the fall semester.

But heading back to school seemed a lot safer before the resignation deadlines that came a few months ago. At the deadlines, the coronavirus outbreak appeared nearly under control. Some educators now say it’s unfair to charge teachers for escaping their contracts if they no longer feel safe returning to the classroom. And forcing teachers to pay now could lead to more teachers quitting eventually.

“You can claw back as much money as you want, but if you’re not careful, then what you end up with is a district with no teachers,” said Marcus Baltzell, head of communications for the Kansas National Education Association.

May decision

In May, the worst of the pandemic in Kansas seemed over. The state reported its lowest number of new coronavirus cases in two months and businesses were slowly reopening. Before the end of the month, most Kansas schools required teachers to decide if they were coming back.

Kelly Smith, a special education teacher at Leavenworth High School, felt pretty good about returning. The state still hadn’t released guidelines for what reopening schools should look like, but a task force made up of educators and health officials were working on that.

“I was absolutely confident that with all the contributors that they would come up with the absolute best plan that they could in completely unknown waters,” Smith said.

Today, coronavirus cases have climbed back up. Several counties, like Sedgwick, began ordering bars to close and reinstated gathering size limits. Some educators are now saying reopening schools safely is not possible. Gov. Laura Kelly’s plan to delay reopening schools was overturned by the state school board, making that a local decision.

Smith said she’s now terrified. She would consider quitting, but she’d have to pay her district $2,000 dollars for resigning in August. She said that doesn’t leave her much choice other than going back to work.

“For me, that’s just shy of a month’s paycheck,” Smith said. “That would hurt.”

Penalties for backing out of a contract are meant to help districts find replacements, something that’s much harder the closer it gets to the first day of classes. By then, many teachers have already accepted jobs elsewhere.

Usually, districts ask for around $2,000, depending on how late a teacher leaves. But some schools want more. Emporia Public Schools asks for $5,000 after August. The Syracuse school district near the Colorado border asks for $10,000.

Courts have upheld these clauses, but schools must prove that they’re actually based on the cost of replacing that teacher. It can’t be an arbitrary amount just meant to punish teachers. A rural district like Syracuse can argue that it’s much harder to recruit teachers, so they need more money from a teacher who’s backing out.

Despite the potential of teachers paying thousands of dollars, teachers unions often support these clauses.

Late resignations hurt other teachers who have to pick up the slack — and extra students — until a replacement can be found. That can take a while with the long-standing national teacher shortage. And without these clauses, teachers risk losing their teaching licenses for quitting too close to the start of the school year. The contracts give them a buyout option.

“Honestly, the association sees this as protection for teachers as well,” said Erica Huggard, the president of the Emporia chapter of the National Education Association.

Uncertain year

Teachers still have plenty of questions about how their districts plan on reopening safely, like how mask requirements and daily temperature checks will be enforced.

“Teachers are planners and right now we can’t plan anything,” said Kimberly Howard, president of the United Teachers of Wichita. She said Wichita should let teachers resign without penalty.

Wichita Public Schools said retiring teachers no longer need to pay. But while the district reserves the right to waive the fee on a case-by-case basis, it generally still plans on enforcing the rule.

Other districts have a similar position. They say they’re facing plenty of uncertainty because of the pandemic, making it essential they know how many teachers they’ll have to start the school year.

“It’s one of the most important things that we deal with every year, this year in particular,” said Eryn Wright, executive director of human resources at Salina Public Schools. “Knowing how many teachers we have is fundamental.”

All the unknowns could change whether or not courts enforce the buyout clauses. Indiana University business law professor Julie Manning Magid said many of the contracts were signed nearly a year ago. So much about teaching today has changed since then that courts could decide the contracts are no longer binding.

But the coronavirus could also bolster a school district’s argument that teachers should pay even some of the highest fees. It’s easier to justify those replacement costs because it’s that much harder — and expensive — today to find someone willing to teach in a school building.

“The current pandemic situation and trying to reopen schools is a new wrinkle in a way,” Magid said, “that I’m sure these clauses have never been tested.”

Stephan Bisaha reports on education and young adult life for KMUW and the Kansas News Service. You can follow him on Twitter @stevebisaha.

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Senate candidate weighs in on U.S. Postal Service and election

The U.S. Postal Service and its effect on the upcoming November elections has been in the news recently.

On Tuesday, after days of controversy and the news that 20 states planned to sue the postal service, the postmaster general issued a statement that the postal service is ready to handle whatever volume of mail it receives in the November elections. He said in the news release that he was expanding a task force on election mail.

He suspended his recent initiatives until after the election, and stated in the news release that retail hours at the post office would not change, mail processing equipment and blue collection boxes would remain where they are, no mail processing facilities will be closed, and overtime would continue to be approved as needed. Also, they will have standby resources to meet demands.

We asked candidates about the issue last weekend.

A question-and-answer response from Dr. Barbara Bollier, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Kansas, on the topic of the postal service and the upcoming election:

In light of the recent developments and discussions involving the postal service and mail ballots, would you have a statement on what you are doing to make sure that people can vote in the fall elections?
Dr. Bollier: It is incredibly important that Kansans are able to vote in a safe, secure way in November. People should not have to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote. I encourage Kansans who are able to request mail-in ballots and return them as quickly as possible. I also urge counties to provide postage paid return envelopes, which is the easiest and safest way to vote during this pandemic.

For those who want to vote by mail in the general election, how do you think they ought to do it? Should they drop it off at polling places instead of mailing it?
Dr. Bollier: It is a smart idea for Kansans to vote by mail in the general election. Voters may drop off their ballot at their polling place or mail it in. The important thing is filling out your ballot immediately after you receive it and sending it right back. By doing this promptly, you can ensure that your vote will be counted.

Also, do you have a position on whether Congress should allocate more money to the postal service?
Dr. Bollier: Nearly one million Kansans rely on the services of the USPS, especially those living in rural areas. Kansans need the postal service every day to get deliveries of prescription medication, newspapers, advance ballots, and even letters from our loved ones. And not only is it an essential service for folks across Kansas, but the USPS also employs nearly 100,000 veterans.

Congress must take action and provide additional emergency assistance to the USPS to keep this crucial lifeline alive for the people of Kansas. We cannot lose this critical public service that provides so much for the people of this state.

Additionally, how are the polls currently in your election race?
Dr. Bollier: While recent polls have found this race to be a statistical dead heat, I know I am uniquely positioned to win this race by putting aside partisan politics and uniting the people of Kansas behind common sense solutions.