Wyandotte County health officers discussed school reopening plans at a news conference held Thursday morning by the University of Kansas Health System.
When schools reopen, they might look differently, according to the doctors.
When schools reopen, if there is about the same rate of cases here, schools could have 50 percent of the usual number of students in classrooms, with other students at home, according to Dr. Erin Corriveau, deputy medical officer for Wyandotte County. That would allow a six-foot distance between students.
Each of the school districts will send its plan to the Health Department, she said. At some schools, the superintendents have discussed bringing back the elementary age children, while educating the high school students at home, she said. Others have different ideas, including cohort groups and alternate days of school.
Students will wear masks, socially distance and will be using hand sanitizer often under the reopening plans. The Unified Government Health Department has recommended all students wear masks.
“Start now with your children and help them practice mask-wearing throughout the day at home,” Dr. Corriveau said.
As the governor’s order to start school after Labor Day has failed at the state Board of Education level, the decisions on school reopening dates now will be made by local school districts in consultation with the health departments. The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools announced earlier this week it would reopen after Labor Day, with remote learning only for the first nine weeks.
Dr. Allen Greiner, chief medical officer for Wyandotte County, said some of the students will be learning remotely at home. The KCK district has done a lot of innovative things, he said, extending technology to many students.
In order to keep COVID-19 from spreading when school is held in-person, it’s better to have children in one classroom with one teacher, according to Dr. Greiner.
The UG Health Department is currently working on more orders concerning education, according to Dr. Corriveau.
The University of Kansas Health System reported 33 COVID-19 patients on Thursday morning, with 17 in the intensive care unit and six on ventilators. The total number of patients was down two from Wednesday, the number in the ICU was up one from Wednesday and the number on ventilators was the same as Wednesday.
Wyandotte County reported an increase of 72 cases at 1 p.m. Thursday, with a cumulative total of 3,894, according to the UG COVID-19 website. The number of deaths did not increase, with the total at a cumulative 90.
Testing continues
COVID-19 testing for the homeless will continue to take place on Friday in Wyandotte County, according to the Unified Government Health Department.
Testing will take place at two locations on Friday:
• Frank Williams Outreach Center, 7th and Nebraska, Kansas City, Kansas, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. July 24;
• Cross-Lines Community Outreach, food kitchen, 7th and Shawnee, Kansas City, Kansas, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. July 24.
Test results will be available at the testing locations on Monday, July 27, and Tuesday, July 28.
Testing also continues at the UG Health Department parking lot, 619 Ann Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. No appointment is needed.
The free tests are for people who have symptoms or who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. These tests are open to those who live or work in Wyandotte County, and they should bring an item to show they live or work here, such as a piece of mail. For more information, call 3-1-1 or visit https://wyandotte-county-covid-19-hub-unifiedgov.hub.arcgis.com/pages/what-to-do-if-you-think-you-have-covid-19.
The KU doctors’ news conference is at https://www.facebook.com/kuhospital/videos/293997965171006
The governor’s Executive Order 20-59, on wearing masks and other mitigation procedures in schools, is online at https://governor.kansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/EO-20-59-PDF.pdf.
For information on the amended Wyandotte County mask order, visit https://www.wycokck.org/WycoKCK/media/Health-Department/Documents/Communicable%20Disease/COVID19/07142020MaskOrderAmendments.pdf and https://www.wycokck.org/WycoKCK/media/Health-Department/Documents/Communicable%20Disease/COVID19/07142020LocalHealthOfficerOrderMaskAmendments.pdf.
The governor’s executive order on masks is at https://governor.kansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/20200702093130003.pdf.
The governor’s news release on the mask order is at https://governor.kansas.gov/governor-laura-kelly-signs-executive-order-mandating-masks-in-public-spaces/.
The Wyandotte County mask order is at https://www.wycokck.org/WycoKCK/media/Health-Department/Documents/Communicable%20Disease/COVID19/06272020LocalHealthOfficerOrderRegardingMasks.pdf.
For information on how to make an easy no-sew mask, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/how-to-make-a-no-sew-cloth-mask/.
The state’s COVID-19 test page is at https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/280/COVID-19-Testing.
Residents may visit the UG COVID-19 website at https://alpha.wycokck.org/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Information or call 311 for more information.
Wyandotte County is currently under Phase 3. See covid.ks.gov.
The state plan’s frequently asked questions page is at https://covid.ks.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Reopening-FAQ_5.19.2020_Final.pdf.
The CDC’s COVID-19 web page is at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.