Faith news

Wyandotte County has moved into Phase 2 under Kansas Ad Astra reopening plan. Local health officials said under this plan, people should keep a distance of 6 feet between themselves and others. They may sit closer to people who live in their households. Also, people should wear masks and should wash hands or use hand sanitizer. For more information about the faith guidelines under Phase 2, visit, and more information is at

Some faith groups will continue holding online or video services. In Wyandotte County, those who are older than 60 or who have other medical conditions should continue staying home, according to the Wyandotte County health officials Those who are sick should stay home, according to officials.

Residents are advised to visit the social media page of their church or faith organization, or to call them or email them, to see changes that have been made to regular schedules, or if there are video services planned on Sunday.

The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has information about churches reopening and also Masses at

Blessed Sacrament, Christ the King and Our Lady and St. Rose Catholic churches have resumed in-person Masses, with some attendance guidelines, on May 24. For more information, visit the churches’ websites or Facebook pages at, and Masses also will be livestreamed at

Christ the King Catholic Church, 53rd and Leavenworth Road, will hold a Community Blood Center blood drive from noon to 5 p.m. Monday, June 8, in Davern Hall. For more information and to sign up, visit Currently, the blood center is taking advance reservations.

Open Door Baptist Church, Kansas City, Kansas, will have livestream services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 24, on the church’s website

Stony Point Christian Church, Kansas City, Kansas, plans a video worship service at 10:15 a.m. Sunday, May 24, on its Facebook page at

St. Patrick Catholic Church, Kansas City, Kansas, has a Mass online for May 23 and 24 at St. Patrick Church also has returned to in-person Masses, with reservations being taken. St. Patrick Church plans a food drive to collect food for Catholic Charities at noon Saturday, June 6.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Kansas, is planning livestream services on Facebook on May 24. See and Sunday services will be livestreamed from St. Paul’s at 10 a.m. May 24.

Worship services for Wyandotte United Methodist Church on Sunday, May 24, can be viewed on Facebook or online on the website at

Information about other church services in Wyandotte County may be available from the church’s social media page.
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Ideas offered on celebrating Memorial Day weekend safely in the time of COVID-19

The Unified Government COVID-19 webpage on Saturday afternoon reported 1,255 positive cases, an increase of 28 cases since 10:45 a.m. Friday. There were no new deaths reported on Saturday. (From UG COVID-19 webpage)

Ideas on having a safe Memorial Day weekend, with gatherings following the Kansas reopening plan, include limiting the number who gather to under 15, going to a restaurant that adheres to safety guidelines and going to parks while maintaining social distancing.

COVID-19 is still a concern in Kansas and in Wyandotte County, as the area prepares to celebrate Memorial Day.

The Unified Government COVID-19 webpage on Saturday afternoon reported 1,255 positive cases, an increase of 28 cases since 10:45 a.m. Friday. There were no new deaths reported on Saturday.

With Memorial Day approaching, Gov. Laura Kelly is reminding Kansans to enjoy the holiday weekend with safety in mind.

COVID-19-related guidance and requirements related to gatherings are outlined in the governor’s reopening plan, and reflect her decision to move Kansas into a modified version of Phase 2 of the plan, starting Friday. The plan and additional safety guidance can be found at

“The Memorial Day weekend is one of the first holidays of the year when people want to get outside and enjoy the weather, and spend time with their families and friends,” Gov. Kelly said. “But no one should use this as an excuse to ignore health and safety guidelines.”

The following is allowed on Memorial Day, according to “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas”:

• Have a gathering in your home with 15 or fewer individuals, not including those you live with.
• Use your backyard pool for any parties, so long as mass gathering restrictions are met.
• Have a drive-through parade, so long as no more than 15 individuals are outside the car and they are able to maintain social distancing.
• Go to a restaurant with your friends and family, so long as that business meets the necessary health and safety requirements.
• Engage in outdoor activities at parks or other public spaces, so long as social distancing and mass gathering requirements are met.

Here’s what you can’t do on Memorial Day according to the “Ad Astra” plan:

• Hold or attend an in-person fair, festival or parade.
• Use community, public and other non-backyard pools for parties or gatherings.
• Go to bars or nightclubs.
• Have ceremonies or gatherings that violate the mass gathering limit of 15 or more individuals when a 6-foot distance cannot be met, except for infrequent or incidental moments of contact.

Additional health tips include:

• Stay home if sick.
• Practice social distancing whenever possible.
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Cover cough and sneezes into an elbow or tissue.
• Wear masks (especially in places where social distancing is difficult to maintain).
• Stay home if you or a loved one is considered high risk.

For those having parties or gatherings this weekend:

• Have cleaning supplies readily available.
• Avoid using buffets and other self-service food stations.
• Have individuals with gloves and masks serve food.
• Avoid punchbowls or other communal drink stations.
• Use disposable plate and utensils if unable to constantly clean dishes.
• Plan outdoor activities rather than indoor ones.
• Practice social distancing and maintain ventilation through your home by opening doors or windows if engaging in indoor activities.

For more information on health and safety guidance, or to see Gov. Kelly’s reopening plan, visit the Kansas COVID-19 Response and Recovery website at

The UG’s COVID-19 information page is at

Wyandotte County is under the state’s Phase 2 plan at

The state plan’s frequently asked questions page is at

The state has an information page about what activities are safe on Memorial Day weekend, at

Additional guidelines from the governor’s office about Phase 2 are at

Test sites are listed at

The CDC’s COVID-19 web page is at

Public buildings in KCK will reopen by appointment only on May 26

Unified Government Administrator Doug Bach has announced the limited reopening of public buildings in Kansas City, Kansas, including City Hall, the courthouse, and the jail, beginning Tuesday, May 26.

“The safety and well-being of our community and employees is a top priority, and the Unified Government continues to evaluate ways to ensure safety for all,” Bach said in a news release. “To protect the health and wellness of visitors and employees, public buildings will re-open with safety precautions.”

Beginning Tuesday, May 26, public buildings will reopen to in-person service by appointment only. Both employees and visitors will be required to have their temperatures taken before entering any public building. Employees and visitors will also be required to wear a mask or face covering and practice social distancing.

The limited reopening of public buildings coincides with Wyandotte County’s decision to align its local reopening plan with the state of Kansas’ plan. In listening to feedback, the Unified Government recognized that residents and businesses faced a confusing mix of state and local guidance regarding the reopening of businesses, activities venues, and other key community segments.

The temporary suspension of the ReStart WyCo plan, and adoption of the state Phase 2 plan, will make it easier for residents and businesses to comply with guidance that keeps patrons and families safer, according to a UG spokesman. The state’s Phase 2 plan is available to view or download online at

To ensure social distancing is maintained, Unified Government staff has placed signs and markings around the interior of public buildings. Elevator access will be limited to two riders at a time, and sanitizing stations will be available for everyone to use. Employees and visitors will not be allowed to congregate in large groups.

Since March 23, Unified Government employees have been working remotely where possible. Many common services were moved online, and the Board of County Commissioners transitioned to holding public meetings by Zoom to keep the public and employees as safe as possible.

Residents, businesses and visitors are strongly encouraged to continue doing business via the Unified Government’s digital services program, according to the spokesman. Many services, such as paying property taxes, renewing vehicle registration, or requesting a new traffic court date can be completed online. To explore these services, visit the Unified Government’s Digital Services Hub.

Residents or businesses with specific questions about doing business with a department should visit To locate a particular department’s webpage, visit, click the “government” gavel icon near the top right of the screen, and then click “departments” box midway down the page. Departments are searchable alphabetically and by name.

Residents, businesses, and visitors may also contact 3-1-1 for assistance by phone. Questions about the limited reopening of public buildings, or the steps the Unified Government has taken to protect the community and employees should also be directed to 3-1-1.

For information about the reopening of public buildings in Edwardsville, Kansas, visit the city of Edwardsville website at

For information about the reopening of public buildings in Bonner Springs, Kansas, visit the city of Bonner Springs website at

County health officials will continue to monitor key data on the status of COVID-19 to determine the next steps in the community’s reopening process. Those metrics include:

• The number of hospitalizations and deaths in Wyandotte County and surrounding area hospitals over a 14-day period, and
• the percentage of positive tests over a 14-day period.

To learn more about the county’s COVID-19 response, visit

  • Story from Unified Government