Police notes

Robbery reported on West 42nd

A victim was delivering items to the area of the 2100 block of West 42nd Avenue at 1:15 p.m. May 26 when a suspect approached and hit the victim, according to a social media post by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

The suspect took the items and fled the area, according to the report.

Battery reported on 10th Street

A victim got into a physical altercation with multiple people at 10:30 p.m. May 26 in the 100 block of 10th Street, according to a social media post by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

The victim went to an area hospital for treatment, according to police. The victim was not cooperative with police and did not want to assist in the investigation, police stated.

Several planning items on Thursday’s UG Commission agenda

Several planning and zoning items are on the 7 p.m. Thursday, May 28, agenda for the Unified Government Commission meeting.

It will be a Zoom meeting on the internet, and can be watched on UGTV.

The UG is currently considering changing some of its planned cash purchases to lease agreement or bond financing.

The UG is scheduled to vote on a resolution allowing the UG to reimburse itself for capital expenditures it plans to make after the resolution and 60 days prior to it, for 2020 mid-year capital projects. The projects would be financed with the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds, notes or a lease agreement, according to the agenda. Several items are listed in the resolution, including computer equipment replacement, 20 patrol vehicles and three ambulances, as well as several other items.

In other action, the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department is proposing to submit an application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant, that would request 18 additional firefighters. The grant would be 100 percent paid by the federal government.

In addition, the Turner Logistics Development project on I-70 and the Turner Diagonal is requesting assignment of the development agreement to NP Turner Industrial, another NorthPoint entity, which would take ownership.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department and Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department are requesting approval to apply for a Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding grant of $318,256 to fund items for use when mitigating incidents or serving individuals in incidents directly related to coronavirus exposure. There would be no local match required.

Also, there will be a presentation about a special Emergency Solutions Grant Program with funding that has been allocated to the UG from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the federal CARES Act. The emergency shelter grant will provide $683,879 that can be used for housing, shelter operations, street outreach, homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, homeless management information database costs and emergency shelter grant administration, according to the agenda. Rental assistance is one of the possible examples of how the funds could be used. The UG will receive proposals, evaluate proposed services, and once they are approved, will publish how the funding will be used.

Also on the agenda is the reappointment of Rachel Jefferson to the REACH Healthcare Foundation’s Community Advisory Committee, submitted by Alley Porter, commission liaison.

An agreement with Westwood for the 47th Avenue improvements, Rainbow Boulevard to Mission Road, also is on the agenda.

Several nominations are on the agenda, including:
• Appointment of Tina Medina to the Wyandotte-Leavenworth Advisory Council on Aging, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Appointment of Margaret Gasnick to the Advisory Commission on Human Relations and Disability Issues, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Reappointment of Thomas Alonzo to the Advisory Commission on Human Relations and Disability Issues, submitted by Commissioner Brian McKiernan.
• Appointment of Don Jolley to the Wyandotte County Library Board, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Appointment of Jake Miller to the Golf Advisory Board, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Appointment of Faith Rivera to the UG Board of Park Commission, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Appointment of Micki Welcome-Hill to the Landmarks Commission, submitted by Commissioner Christian Ramirez.
• Reappointment of Jerrell Royal to the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (Downtown Improvement District), submitted by Commissioner Angela Markley.

Planning and zoning items on the agenda May 28 include:

• 4318 Sortor Drive, change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district to keep horses on the property, James E. McNeal.
• 1033 Berger Ave., special use permit for a solid waste transfer station, Justin Nelson with JMJ Crown Inc.
• 6130 Kansas Ave., renewal of special use permit for a parking facility, Benjamin Stephens with CoPart of Kansas Inc.
• 229 S. 8th St., special use permit for office, food pantry and short-term apartmenets for previous foster youth and overnight shelter, Thomas Prudden with FosterAdopt Connect.
• 1600 N. 21st St., renewal of home occupation special use permit for an Air BNB, Ryann Waller.
• 2600 N. 44th St., vacation of utility easements, Greg Nelson with MKEC Engineering Inc.
• 500 Minnesota Ave., 600 State Ave., 645 Nebraska Ave., preliminary plan review for a mixed-use development with multi-family, retail and conference center, Willie Lanier Jr. with Lanier United. Also a Master Plan amendment for the same properties, from civic and urban residential to downtown mixed use.
• 1110 Merriam Lane, renewal of special use permit for performance auto service.
• 3037 S. 53rd St., special use permit for a group home, Robert Markham with Elevated Ministries, recommended for denial.

More information about the agenda items is at https://www.wycokck.org/Clerk/Agendas.aspx.

The 7 p.m. May 28 meeting will be a remote Zoom meeting, which can be accessed through the internet or by telephone. The meeting also will be on cable television and on YouTube.

According to the clerk’s office, requests to make public comments on the planning and zoning agenda will be taken until 5 p.m. May 27. The public may contact the clerk’s office by telephone at 913-573-5206, by email at [email protected], or by fax at 913-573-5299. According to the clerk’s office, the public is encouraged to submit comments in advance, and the public will have opportunities using the Zoom application or to dial into the meeting by phone.

The Zoom meeting will be on the internet at https://zoom.us/j/94677915752?pwd=ajNqNXZ4cCtmeE9PNVVFZUZhYkoxdz09
Password: 049817

The public also may join by phone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or
877 853 5257 (Toll Free) or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 946 7791 5752
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/adFeFbfsbY

Municipal ID ordinance to be discussed by UG Commission on May 28

The Unified Government Commission will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday, May 28, to hear a COVID-19 update and for a presentation on a safe and welcoming ordinance and municipal identification ordinance.

It will be a Zoom meeting, according to the agenda, because of COVID-19.

The public may watch the remote meeting on YouTube or UGTV on Spectrum channel 2 or Google Fiber channel 141. It also is livestreamed at https://www.wycokck.org/UGTV.aspx.

According to the agenda, the public may comment through Zoom if time permits.

Requests to make public comments will be taken until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27, by the clerk’s office, telephone 913-573-5206, email [email protected] or fax at 913-573-5299. Comments also can be submitted by email to the clerk’s office.

The meeting is on the internet at Zoom at
Password: 330126

The meeting also is on iPhone one-tap:
US: +13462487799,98473067644# or +12532158782,98473067644#

It is available by telephone at:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312
626 6799 or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 984 7306 7644
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/arkpLlnmN