School starts with family involvement in KCK district

by Mary Rupert

School started today for some students, including pre-kindergarten, fifth, sixth and ninth grades in the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools.

All students in the district are scheduled to attend on Tuesday.

“The first day was phenomenal,” said Tammy Dodderidge, communications manager for the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools.

“What I saw was a lot of families very involved with their kids and their schools. That is something very positive,” Dodderidge said.

It was important to a lot of families to bring their students to school, go in and meet the teacher to get school off to a good start today, she said.

“I love seeing that. It was very prevalent in the schools today,” she said. There were not even too many bus riders today, as a lot of parents took their kids to school.

The district added a new school building as Frank Rushton Elementary School, 2605 W. 43rd Ave., opened this school year, she said. Construction on it started last spring.

It was built on the same grounds next to the older Rushton school building, she added.

The new school has 62,418 square feet and can accommodate up to 506 students, she said.

Rushton School has 22 grade-level classrooms, along with a media center, multipurpose center, gymnasium, art and music room, she said. The previous building did not have a dedicated art and music room, nor a dedicated gymnasium for 26 years, she added. One large multipurpose room formerly was used as a gym, as a stage, art room and lunch room, she added.

“It’s a beautiful facility,” she said. “Most important of all, it was all funded through capital outlay, with no increase in taxes to build the building.”

This year, throughout the district schools, there is more technology for students to use, she said.

Fourth through eighth grades now have a one-to-one initiative, with more computer equipment and laptops going into the buildings for students to use, she said. The computer equipment, laptops and tablets, will make sure students have the necessary tools to be ready for work and the future, she added.

Also added this year in the Kansas City, Kan., district are free meals for middle-school students, she said.

Free breakfast and lunch now will be available to those students who qualify for the program, as part of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, she said.

Most incumbents received more donations than opponents during 2016 campaign

by Mary Rupert

Campaign finance reports for the period just before the primary election showed, for the most part, that incumbents received considerably more donations than did challengers in the past election and most of them had more money to spend than their opponents.

The reporting period ended July 25. Some candidates filed last-minute contribution statements through July 27.

The campaign finance reports are for contested races.

State Senate, 5th District

For the State Senate, 5th District, contest, Donald Terrien of Lansing reported contributions of $782.76 for the reporting period ending July 25.

Terrien’s contributions reported were $328 from Donald Terrien; $300 from Donald Terrien; and $154.76 from Sherry Terrien.

William Hutton of Basehor, who won the Democratic primary, reported $45,105 in total contributions for the same period for the 5th District contest.

Hutton’s contributions included Josh Allen, $100; Tim Alvarez, $150; Will Anderson, $100; B&J Development Co., $1,000; Jeff Baker, $100; June Beaver, $1,000; Will Belden, $250; Ruth Benien, $100; Pat Beming, $200; Jon Blongewicz, $150; Jody Boeding, $200; Charles Boring, $300; Bottaro, Kubin and Yocum, $500; George Brajkovic, $200; Kerry Brungardt, $250; Jamie Bruson, $100; Paul Burmaster, $300; Tom Burroughs, $100; Melissa Bynum, $100; David Byrd, $100; Pamela Campbell Burton, $100; James Carpenter, $100; Cindy Cash, $50; Cindy Cash, $50; Hank Chamberlain, $250; John Chapman, $100; Colgan Law Firm, $150; Committee for Quality Healthcare, $1,000; Carl Cornwell, $250; Sarah Cunningham Jurcyk, $250; Ryan Denk, $200; Wade Dorothy, $250; Dan Doyle, $100; David Duckers, $200; John Duma, $250; Michael Duma, $100; Bill Dunn Jr., $500; Matthew Eaves, $200; John Emerson, $200; Larry Evans, $300; Timothy Evans, $250; Gus Fasone, $500; Elizabeth Fast, $250; Jody Franchett, $100; Carl Gallagher, $200; Lance Gallagher, $100; James Glick, $500; James Glick, $500; Paul Glick, $100; Fred Greenbaum, $500; Larry (Lawrence) Greenbaum, $150; Doug Greenwald, $250; Sherri Grogan, $200; Group 61, $100; Ryan Haga, $100; Phylis Hancock, $500; Muriel Harris, $100; Joseph Hemberger, $100; Rex Henoch, $250; John Henry, $250; Mark Holland, $200; Dennis Horner, $250; Steve Howard, $200; Rob Humble, $250; Tom Hutton, $200; Mary Ann Kancel, $250; Mike Kane, $100; Kansas Contractors Association, $1,000; Kansas Hospital Association, $1,000; Kansas National Education Association PAC, $1,000; Denette Kelly, $100; Tom Kelly, $250; Gary Kessler, $100; Jim Kirk, $500; Jim Kirk, $500; Mark Kolich, $200; Kip Kubin, $250; Laborers Local Union No. 1290, $1,000; Law Offices of Clyde and Wood, $250; Angela Lawson, $100; Brian Leininger, $250; Frank Lipovitz, $100; Patricia Lipovitz, $100; Local Union No. 124 Voluntary Political Fund, $500; Gary Long, $100; Margaret Long, $250; Scott Mach, $100; Laura Madrigal, $50; Laura Madrigal, $50; Mark and Burkhead, $500; Keith Mark, $500; James Martin, $500; Luis Mata, $250; Stan McAfee, $250; Chris McCord, $100; Roger McLean, $250; Eric McTye, $100; David Meditz, $250; Elizabeth Mellor, $100; Rich Merker, $500; Bill Miller, $500; Brenda Miller, $250; Brenda Miller, $500; Kathy Moore, $100; Ken Moore, $100; Larry Mosley, $100; MRPP Inc., (The Echo), $500; Rose Mulvany-Henry, $250; Mike Nichols, $250; Mark Nidiffer, $100; Northeast Kansas Citizens for Progress, $1,000; John O’Connor, $500; Carroll O’Neal, $500; Merle Parks, $100; Perry and Trent, $200; Joe Peterson, $100; Shelly Phalen, $100; Jeff Pittman, $100; Jim Pittman, $200; Polsinelli, $500; Power Law Group, $250; Ray Probst, $200; Aline Pryor-Holler, $100; Aline Pryor-Holler, $100; Eric Rajala, $100; Rick Rehorn, $100; Rick Rehorn, $100; Rick Rehorn, $100; Rockey and Stecklein Chartered, $100; Dave Roe, $100; Suzie Roe, $100; Tom Rottinghaus, $200; Cristen Ryman, $100 ;Cristen Ryman, $100; Charles Schlittler, $100; Norm Scott, $500; Sexton and Shelor, $200; Sexton and Shelor, $50; James Shetlar, $150; Dennis Shockley, $250; Helen Skradski, $200; Julie Solomon, $100; Paul Soptick Jr., $100; Tom Stephens, $200; Tom Stibal, $150; Gary Stone, $200; Matt Stretz, $250; Marion Strick, $250; Donald Taylor, $100; John Tiszka, $100; Denise Tomasic, $500; Todd Troutman, $100; Brian Underwood, $500; Brian Underwood, $500; Christine Underwood, $500; Village West Discount Liquors, $1,000; Lance Vogel, $250; Liz Wade, $300; Michael Wallace, $500; Doug Waters, $500; Karl Wenger, $100; Jack West, $100; Western Missouri and Kansas Laborer’s District Council PAC, $1,000; Kathleen A. Winner, $100; Angela Wuckowitsch-Turner, $100; Fred Zimmerman, $100.

The 5th District incumbent, state Sen. Steve Fitzgerald, a Republican, reported contributions of $8,810 during the reporting period, with cash available of $58, 145.02.

Sen. Fitzgerald’s contributions included Mark Evans, $300; Phil Ruffin, $1,000; Peter Elliot, $300; James B. Evans, $500; James B. Evans, $100; John McCoy, $150; Mary Brigg, $250; John Lewis, $1,000; Dana Lewis, $1,000; Kansas Optometric Association, $500; Kansas Rural Independent Telecom PAC, $250; Farmington Plaza, $500; Kansas Medical Society PAC, $250; BNSF Railway Company, $500; Leavenworth County Republican Women, $500; Paul Mckie, $200; Sabrina Valenta, $250; Kansas Beverage Association, $250; Gary Durbin, $95; Metroplex Insurance Agency, $380; Metroplex Insurance Agency, $250; James B. Evans, $95; Rick Fiddler, $95; Mark Evans, $95.

Sen. Fitzgerald’s last-minute contribution report through July 27: Road Map PAC, $1,000.

State representative, 35th District

For the state representative, 35th District, contest, incumbent Rep. Broderick Henderson, who won the primary contest, reported contributions of $2,850, about $10,784 available to spend during the period, total expenditures of $6,846.97, and cash on hand at the end of the reporting period of about $3,867.

Rep. Henderson’s contributions included Kansas Optometric, $500; Adam J. Lusker, $100; Kansas Rural Independent, $200; Brandon Cook, $500; Kansas National Education, $500; Kansas Livestock Assn., $250; Kansas Hospital Assn., $250; LRICO Service LLC, $100; Kansas Funeral Directors, $200; Polsinelli, $250.

Kimberly L. Lampkin, a candidate for the 35th District, reported $0 contributions and $0 expenditures.

State representative, 36th District

In the state representative, 36th District, contest, incumbent Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore, who won the primary contest, reported contributions of $16,305, a beginning balance of $40,426, expenditures of $14,122, and cash on hand at the close of the period at $42,608.82.

Rep. Wolfe Moore reported contributions from Kansas CRNA PAC, $250; Summit Strategies Group LLC, $100; Hallmark Cards Inc., $500; Sandra Hennessey, $50; Catherine Hahner, $100; Regina McCord, $100; Ernest Johnson, $200; Angela Lawson, $100; William Brady, $50; Mikes Discount Liquor, $500; Carroll O’Neal, $100; William Reardon, $50; William Epperheimer, $50; Tom Roberts, $75; Rick Rehorn PA, $100; Raymond Probst, $150; Laborers Local Union No. 1290, $500; Janet Guilfoil, $100; Loren Taylor, $50; Mary Gonzales, $50; Wendy Green, $50; Clayton Hunter, $250; Donald Taylor, $100; Michael J. Nichols PA, $150; LeeAnn Duncan, $200; Denise E. Tomasic PA, $100; David K. Duckers LC, $100; Neal Palmer, $100; Sirna Gary, $50; The Law Offices of Roger W. McLean PA, $250; W. Fred Zimmerman, $50; AT&T Kansas PAC, $300; Norman Scott, $100; Joyce Griffin, $100; John O’Connor, $100; Linda Brown, $50; James Scherzer, $30; John L. Peterson PA, $500; A. Lusker Masonry LLC, $100; Local Union No. 124 Voluntary Political Fund, $250; Kansas Beverage Association PAC, $250; Cathy Harding, $200; Misty Brown Polo, $25; DeeAnn Richards Behrens, $100; Kansas AFL-CIO Cope Fund Account, $500; Kansas Cable PAC, $200; Orrick and Erskine LLP, $250; Brenda Miller, $100; Volunteer Political Fund, $500; Northeast Kansas Citizens for Progress, $500; Kansas Society of CPAs PAC, $150; Kansas Motor Carriers Truck-PAC, $250; Jennifer Vogel, $100; Matthew Watkins, $150; Devine Donley and Murray Governmental Affairs LLC, $250; Therese Horvat, $100; Terrence Dunn, $500; Aileen Eidson, $50; Polsinelli, $250; LRICo Services LLC, $250; Curtis Bock, $150; John Duma, $100; Kansas Agri Business Council, $500; Credit Union PAC of Kansas, $250; Cox Communications Inc., $250; Kansas Ethanol PAC, $250; Linda Brown, $250; Kansas Association for Responsible Liquor Laws Inc., $200; Kansas Medical Society PAC, $500; KS Livestock Assoc PAC, $250; KS Rural Independent Telecoms PAC, $250; Mary Hutton, $100; KC BIZPAC, $500; KCP&L PAC Kansas, $250; Mary Jane Mikesic, $50; Farmers Employee and Agent PAC of KS, $500; Adam Lusker, $100; Lathrop and Gage LLP, $250; ACEC of Kansas PAC, $300; MRPP Inc., $500.

A last-minute contribution report for Rep. Wolfe Moore showed a $500 donation from the International Association of Firefighters.

Gwendolyn Thomas, a Democrat who ran for 36th District, showed contributions of $0 and expenditures of $0. Her campaign treasurer was Benoyd (Butch) Ellison.

Kevin Braun, a Republican who ran unopposed in the primary for the 36th District, showed contributions of $6,000, expenditures of $2,259.71, and cash on hand of $3,740.29 at the end of the reporting period.

The $6,000 total was from two loans from the candidate to the campaign, according to the campaign finance documents.

Wyandotte County District Attorney

For the Wyandotte County District Attorney contest, incumbent Jerome Gorman reported $15,170 in total contributions. Mark Dupree raised $15,505 in total contributions during the same period. Dupree won the primary contest. Gorman had $1,019.17 cash on hand at the beginning of the reporting period.

Campaign donors for Gorman included John Duma, Olathe, $500; Tim Fowler, $200; Denise Tomasic, $500; Dennis Horner, $250; Johnathan Grube, $25; Alan Fogleman, $20; Mollie Hill, $25; Jennifer Tatum, $25; Robert Lidtke, $500; Ian Tomasic, $100; Rick Rehorn, $100; Carroll V. O’Neal, $500; Norman D. Scott, $250; Casey Meyer, $100; Christopher Schneider, $100; David Morales, $50; Rick Baldwin, $100; Alan Fogleman, $25; Nick Tomasic, $100; Clyde Townsend, $50; Andrew Sousa, $100; Robert Monneyham, $50; Tony Wagner, $75; Jeff Fendorf, $25; Betsy Mellor, $60; Tony Shomin, $50; Jane Gorman, $25; Amanda Lowe, $25; Anonymous, $10; Linda Fowler, $100; James Scherzer, $25; Sheri McGill, $20; Pamela Tatum, $50; Eugenia Winklebauer, $100; Elizabeth Evers, $100; Edward Hausback, $45; Jason Jennings, $40; Kent Maple, $50; Jeff Carson, $250; Steven Courtney, $50; Anonymous, $10; Carol Bartlett, $50; Jeffrey Lauersdorf, $100; N. Trey Pettleton III, $500; Robert Beaman, $100; Law Office of Yeretsky and Maher, $500; Friends of FOP, $500; Regan Law Firm LLC, $500; Michael Duma, $500; Carolyn Beaton, $100; Anonymous, $10; Anonymous, $10; Kathleen Burkett, $100; James Sandt, $250; Michael Riling, $100; Theresa Sublette, $50; Sherri McGill, $20; Michael Burns, $200; Joseph Laskowski, $100; John G. O’Connor, $100; Law Office of Sexton and Shellor, $200; MMRP Inc., $250; Jennifer Myers, $25; Renee Gosserand, $25; Roger McLean, $100; David Duckers, $100; Jack Breitenstein, $30; John Breitenstein, $50; Terra Morehead, $150; Sean McCauley, $500; Mark Bundy, $50; Jane Gorman, $25; William Hutton, $100; James Scherzer, $25; Robert Kennedy, $25; Maria Rangel, $50; Tom Roberts, $100; David Morales, $50; Stacey Guiheen-Wilson, $25; James Bain, $5; Ed Milberger Pest Control, $100; Kristiane Bryant, $75; Sherry Colnar, $25; Mary Baska, $30; James Wyrsch, $100; Ronald Verbeck, $50; Gerald Clark, $200; Wagstaff and Cartmell, $150; Kevin Collins, $250; Matthew Watkins, $250; Roger Villanueva, $25; Gary Stone, $100; Laune Robinett, $25; Jeanine Gorman, $100; Christopher Cuevas, $500; Mike Riling, $100; Don R. Hoven, $150; Stanley McAfee, $250; Northeast Ks Citizens for Progress, $250; Bob Lovell, $75; Kristiane Bryant, $100; Candace Stovall, $200; Anonymous, $10.
Two loans of $800 from Gorman to the campaign also were listed.

Dupree’s contributions included North East Kansas Citizens for Progress, $250; Ronald Cobb, $25; Jay Vader, $100; Michael Jones of Bonner Springs, $50; Shirley Green, $200; Shawna Leeks, $50; Rachael Pirner, $250; Gayle Townsend, $50; Elizabeth Walsh, $200; Daniel Parker, $500; Parker and Parker, $50; Linda Brown, $500; Olawale Akinmoladun, $75; The Watt Law Firm, $200; Law Office of Joe Ramboldt, $250; Village West Discount Liquors, $500; Mental Health Tec., $25; Destiny Life Center, $100; Maurice Dupree, $70; Raquel Dupree, $25; Pearcy Dixon, $10; Terry Bradshaw, $100; La’Shawna Wilson, $10; Karen Jamison, $25; Anthony Thomas, $10; Latricia Bradley, $5; Blessing is Giving Inc., $5; Tiffany Jones, $25; Sheryl Bussell, $150; Melaine Houston, $10; Beryl New, $30; Darline Ragsdale, $25; Brenda Redmon, $5; Wilford Grant, $10; Carl Farmer, $25; Mother Thomas, $10; Rose Harris, $25; Ann Burke, $250; Ivy Bradley, $390; Deacon Jones, $20; R.K. Lassitor, $100; Evelyn Lassiter, $10; Sandra Smith, $20; Janel Johnson, $25; Mother Richardson, $10; Susan Shaw, $100; Ervin Sims, $100; Gary Kivett, $100; Karema Luster, $20; Alvin Dupree, $500; Lynette Lattimore, $20; Nathan Richardson, $100; Zach Thomas, $250; Joy Banks, $250; Vincent Rivera, $200; Ambassador Delano Lewis, $500; Damon Mitchell, $300; Tiffany Hogan, $50; Law Office of Rhonda Mason, $50; A. Dupree and Associates, $50; Olivares Law Firm, $500; Ronald Finley, $50; Catherine Durham, $100; Theadore Hughes, $25; Jeffrey Dazey, $100; Norman Scott, $250; Colantuono Bjerg Guinn LLC, $500; Breer Law Firm, $250; J. Eugne Balloun, $500; Law Office of Daniel Martinez, $250; Eddie Pitluck, $100; Yotz Law Office, $250; Nigro Law Firm LLC, $250; Hernenda Legal LLC, $100; Danielle Atchison, $80; Dave Berson, $50; John Crawford, $100; Chris Cuevas, $500; Michael Page Jr., $250; Sheryl Bussell, $100; David Legal LLC, $100; Anderson Law LLC, $250; Steve Sakoulas PC, $250; Alyce Edwards, $25; Zach Roberson, $100; Paula Taylor, $10; Ervin Sims, $300; Blake Shuart, $250; Donald Holland, $100; Tyrone Garner, $20; Ivy Bradley, $100; Jeffrey Dunlap, $100; Brandan Davies, $150; David Oland, $50; Dennis Ayzin, $500; Brian Underwood, $500; Christine Underwood, $500.

‘Stay Strong, Stay Healthy’ program offered

The “Stay Strong, Stay Healthy” program will focus on improving the health and well-being of older adults. The goal of the program is to provide a safe, structured and effective strength training exercise program that targets strength, balance and flexibility.

The program is sponsored by the K-State Research and Extension office in Wyandotte County along with the Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan.

It will be offered from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Sept. 27 at the Wyandotte United Methodist Church, 7901 Oakland Ave., Kansas City, Kan.

The dates of the program will include Sept. 27, Sept. 29, Oct. 4, Oct. 6, Oct. 11, Oct. 13, Oct. 18, Oct. 20, Oct. 25, Oct. 27, Nov. 1, Nov. 4, Nov. 8, Nov. 10, Nov. 15 and Nov. 17.

For more information and registration, call 913-299-9300.