Road rage incident may have led to homicide on Central Avenue

Detective Daniel Villalpando today asked the public to help provide information about a road rage incident that ended in a shooting and homicide on June 19  near 18th and Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kan. (Staff photo)
Detective Daniel Villalpando today asked the public to help provide information about a road rage incident that ended in a shooting and homicide on June 19 near 18th and Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kan. (Staff photo)

Kansas City, Kan., police today said that a homicide at 18th and Central Avenue on June 19 may have started with a road rage incident.

Detective Daniel Villalpando said the victim, Ramon A. Minjares-Garcia, a resident of Camargo, Chihuahua, was shot and killed near 18th and Central.

He said the incident was extremely concerning because it could have been anyone.

The detective said police are seeking information about the incident. The suspects were in a reddish or red-orange sport utility vehicle.

Four people were in a blue Honda Civic that had been following the SUV around 5 a.m., Villalpando said. The SUV kept hitting its brakes, and the Civic passed the SUV, coming alongside it around 18th Street, he said. The Civic was planning to turn east on Central when the shooting occurred, he said. The SUV turned southbound on 18th.

One of the occupants of the Civic, a man in his 20s, died.

A male who was about 30 years old and a female were in the SUV, Villalpando said.

He said the victim’s friends told police they had asked people in the suspect’s vehicle if they could help them or what was going on, and that was all that was said before the shooting. The victim’s friends said they did not know the people in the suspect’s vehicle.

So far, there hasn’t been any information provided to police from the community, and Villalpando asked for the community’s assistance in this case.

He asked anyone with information to call the TIPS hotline at 816-474-TIPS or the Police Department at 913-573-6020.

When asked at the news conference today at the chief’s meeting room at police headquarters if there was any comment from the Kansas City, Kan., police about the shooting deaths of five police officers last night in Dallas, Texas, he said there was no comment.

U.S. House passes amended mental health bill

Jenkins among lawmakers who opposed provisions that worried disability advocates

by Andy Marso, KHI News Service

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a sweeping mental health reform bill Wednesday after portions that worried Kansas disability rights advocates had been removed.

House Resolution 2646 passed 422-2 without substantial changes to the authority of Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness, or PAIMI, program.

The bill as originally introduced by U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, a Republican from Pennsylvania who is a psychologist, included language that sought to curtail activities of the disability rights centers that administer the PAIMI program.

Those provisions were dropped when the bill was extensively amended in committee.

“Those are now out of the bill,” said Rocky Nichols, executive director of the Kansas Disability Rights Center.

U.S. Rep. Lynn Jenkins, a Republican who represents most of eastern Kansas except for the Kansas City area, was among those who opposed the PAIMI provisions.

In a news briefing before Wednesday’s vote, she said the amended bill provided a more effective path for treating mental illness, which she called “a national problem.”

“There are few families in America that have escaped the challenge of depression or addiction or other forms of mental illness,” Jenkins said, adding that she had visited Valeo Behavioral Health Care in Topeka just a week earlier. “This legislation will drive innovation and fight the ongoing crisis regarding the shortage of mental health beds in rural populations and provide the much-needed resources to those who don’t have access to the care they need.”

Among other items, the bill as passed creates an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders within the presidential Cabinet, provides liability protections for mental health care volunteers and requires Medicare’s Part D prescription drug program to cover antidepressants and antipsychotics.

House Speaker Paul Ryan connected the mental health legislation to other efforts to prevent mass shootings and praised Murphy for his persistence in pursuing it.

“He has spent years working on mental health reform,” Ryan said.

The bill has not been heard in the U.S. Senate, which has its own mental health legislation, Senate Bill 2680.

That bill cleared committee in April but has not been taken up by the full Senate.

The House also passed a bill Wednesday authored by Jenkins that would repeal a portion of the federal Affordable Care Act related to health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts.

House Resolution 1270 would allow consumers to use the tax-deferred accounts to purchase over-the-counter medications — a practice restricted by the ACA, which is commonly known as “Obamacare.”

“This regulation makes no sense, requiring individuals to see their doctor simply to get a prescription for common cold medication,” Jenkins said of the ACA restriction.

The bill garnered the support of 10 Democrats as it passed 233-164. It has not had a Senate hearing.

Both houses of Congress plan to adjourn this month for a long summer break.

The nonprofit KHI News Service is an editorially independent initiative of the Kansas Health Institute and a partner in the Heartland Health Monitor reporting collaboration. All stories and photos may be republished at no cost with proper attribution and a link back to when a story is reposted online.

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Slain KCK detective remembered at Police Awards ceremony

Kansas City, Kan., Police Deputy Chief Tyrone Garner, left, accompanied the late Detective Brad Lancaster’s children in the Police Awards ceremony Thursday, July 7, at the UG Commission meeting. (Staff photo)
Kansas City, Kan., Police Deputy Chief Tyrone Garner, left, accompanied the late Detective Brad Lancaster’s children in the Police Awards ceremony Thursday, July 7, at the UG Commission meeting. (Staff photo)

by Mary Rupert

Kansas City, Kan., Police Chief Terry Zeigler could hardly get through the awards presentation for the late Detective Brad Lancaster on Thursday night.

Detective Lancaster was killed in the line of duty on May 9. At the Police Department’s awards ceremony at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Unified Government Commission meeting, Zeigler presented two awards to Lancaster’s widow, Jamie.

With his voice breaking, Zeigler described how Detective Lancaster was shot when he was responding to a call near the Hollywood Casino. He presented the Valor Award posthumously.

Zeigler also announced the International Association of Chiefs of Police tribute to Detective Lancaster, which was presented to Jamie Lancaster.

Reading from a statement from the IACP, Zeigler said, “Detective Lancaster died doing the job he loved, serving the community he loved even more. Detective Lancaster represents all that is decent, honorable and intrepid about America. …

“What was significant about Detective Lancaster was not how he died, but how he lived,” Zeigler continued from the IACP statement. “Detective Lancaster didn’t lose his life, he gave it. And this is what we are honoring here tonight. A police officer pledges to keep our todays safe, knowing full well it could cost his tomorrows.”

Detective Lancaster’s name is inscribed on the IACP’s tribute, and he will never be forgotten, Zeigler said.

Also receiving awards at the ceremony Thursday night:

Valor Award: Officer Joseph Caiharr, Deputy Max Sybrant.

Meritorious Service Award: Officer Sara Janeczko, Officer Lewis Edwards.

Meritorious Service Award: Officer Daniel Sachen, Officer Rodney Ashley Jr., Officer Steven Solis.

Distinguished Service Award: Officer Mark Wilcox, K9 Officer Dax, Officer Phillip Schwery, Officer Michael Steele.

Safety First, Courtesy Always Award:
Officer Dustin Dierenfeldt, Officer Jefferson Jacobs, Deidra Block.