Brownback budget-balancing plans rely on Affordable Care Act

Budget director says costs of health reform law justify repurposing funds

by Jim McLean

For the third consecutive year, Gov. Sam Brownback is proposing to use money generated by a federal law that he opposes to help balance the state budget.

Brownback, an outspoken critic of the Affordable Care Act, is seeking to use federal funding authorized by the law to help close a projected $190 million gap in the fiscal year 2017 state budget.

Specifically, the governor is proposing to use $25.5 million in federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program to free up state general fund dollars so that they can be used to bridge the gap.

The federal money, generated by a provision in the ACA that temporarily increased CHIP funding when Congress reauthorized the program, will take the place of state dollars that otherwise would have been spent to provide health coverage to Kansas children living in low-income families.

“It’s ironic that we’re relying on the Affordable Care Act to deal with the fiscal crisis that we’re facing,” said Shannon Cotsoradis, president of Kansas Action for Children, a nonprofit advocacy organization. “But more troubling is the fact that we’re redirecting dollars that were clearly intended at the federal level to go to children’s programs.”

The governor’s 2017 budget allocates $106.5 million for CHIP. Federal funds will be used to cover approximately 92 percent of that cost. The remaining 8 percent will come from state fee funds, not the state general fund, according to Budget Director Shawn Sullivan.

Defending the governor’s use of ACA dollars, Sullivan said the health reform law is costing the state more than it’s gaining.

“The additional costs of the ACA to the Kansas budget — when considering the Medicaid woodwork costs, the health insurance premium tax and other associated costs — far outweigh the benefit of this two-year S-CHIP enhanced federal match,” Sullivan said in an email.

The “Medicaid woodwork costs” to which Sullivan refers are generated by people signing up for the program who were eligible but not enrolled prior to the passage of the ACA. Publicity surrounding the health reform law and Medicaid expansion are boosting enrollment, even in states like Kansas that haven’t expanded eligibility.

A recent analysis published by the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that if Kansas continues to reject expansion, its Medicaid expenditures would increase by 22.3 percent from 2015 to 2024. Expanding Medicaid eligibility, the report said, would add to the estimated cost growth but only slightly, increasing it to 23.1 percent.

In August of last year, Sullivan proposed using $17.7 million in federal CHIP matching dollars to help avert a shortfall in the state’s current budget. At the time, he said the budget maneuver would not result in “any sort of expenditure reduction or major change in the (CHIP) program.”

He provided similar assurances last week when briefing lawmakers on the 2017 budget.

In December 2014, Brownback used $55 million from a Medicaid drug rebate program that was expanded as part of the federal Affordable Care Act to help fill a $280 million hole in the state budget.

Cotsoradis said while using CHIP funds to offset state general fund dollars may not reduce existing services, it will prevent the state from using the additional money for its intended purpose.

“These are resources that could have been directed at targeted outreach to ensure that children who are eligible for public health insurance in Kansas get and keep that coverage,” Cotsoradis said.

In Kansas, 87.1 percent of children eligible for Medicaid or CHIP actually are enrolled, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. That’s slightly less than the national average of 88.3 percent but about 10 percent less than the highest performing states.

Approximately 56,000 Kansas children are currently enrolled in CHIP.

Technically, Kansas children living in families with incomes up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level — $60,625 for a family of four — are eligible for CHIP coverage. But effectively, the eligibility threshold is several percentage points lower because it is pegged to the 2008 poverty level.

Cotsoradis contends that Kansas is missing an opportunity to use the temporary influx of federal funds to boost eligibility and provide coverage to more children.

Brownback has the authority to implement many of the revenue transfers and spending reductions he’s proposing. However, the Legislature must approve the proposed shift in the use of CHIP funds.

The $17.7 million the administration says it needs to balance this year’s budget will be part of a rescission bill that lawmakers are expected to consider soon. The $25.5 million in the governor’s latest proposal will be included in the 2017 budget bill, which likely won’t be voted on until late in the session.

The governor’s plan to balance the 2017 budget also calls for the elimination of a Medicaid pilot program intended to improve care provided to Kansans with severe and persistent mental illness. Sullivan said an analysis of the “health home” program showed that it improved health outcomes for participants but not enough to warrant the $13.4 million cost of continuing it.

The administration also hopes to save $10.6 million a year by making a controversial change in how prescriptions are managed in KanCare, the state’s privatized Medicaid program. It would allow the three private companies that operate KanCare to implement a “step therapy” program, which would require doctors to start their patients on relatively inexpensive drugs and allow them to move to more expensive alternatives only when they can show that it’s necessary.

The nonprofit KHI News Service is an editorially independent initiative of the Kansas Health Institute and a partner in the Heartland Health Monitor reporting collaboration. All stories and photos may be republished at no cost with proper attribution and a link back to when a story is reposted online.

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Eagle Days to be Jan. 23-24 at Wyandotte County Lake

More than 20 species of birds of prey will be on display during the 15th annual Eagle Days event Jan. 23-24 at Wyandotte County Lake Park.

There will be free educational presentations for the public about birds of prey, including live eagles, hawks, falcons, owls and other raptors.

Last year’s event drew almost 1,000 children and adults.

The event will be held at two locations, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23, and noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 24, at the Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Schlagle Library at the lake; and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23, and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 24, at Davis Hall at the lake.

Birds of prey presentations will be held at both locations. Those presentations are at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m on Saturday, and 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Operation Wildlife will have live birds of prey on exhibit, including owls, hawks, falcons and eagles, and will give presentations that talk about the birds and their natural history.

There will be crafts for kids, and eagle and waterfowl viewing over the lake. The event is free and open to the public. The lake entrance is near 91st and Leavenworth Road in Kansas City, Kan.

The event is sponsored by the Board of Public Utilities, Operation Wildlife, the Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Schlagle Library, the Kansas City, Kan., Public Library, and the Unified Government.

Eagle Days schedule:
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Schlagle Library
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday from noon to 4 p.m.

James P. Davis Hall
Open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday from noon to 4 p.m.

Birds of prey presentations at both locations:
Saturday – 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Sunday – 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Compromise on casino charitable grants working its way through UG Commission meetings

A compromise on handling charitable casino funds was proposed Tuesday night in a Unified Government committee.

The UG’s Administration and Human Services Committee on Jan. 19 discussed a compromise that would allow the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation to screen and make recommendations for the applications the UG receives for charitable grants totaling nearly $500,000 from the Hollywood Casino at Kansas Speedway. During the past few years the UG has designated the funds for health programs in the community.

There was a call for more accountability and screening of applicants at a UG discussion about the casino grants last year. After previously using a volunteer screening committee, the UG changed last year to commissioners screening the applications. In earlier years, the screening committee made recommendations and the commissioners voted to approve or not approve the entire list of recommendations in one vote.

Commissioner Angela Markley backed a compromise of having the foundation do more screening, and then the commission would award the grants. The commission still would control who receives the grants, but would be assured that the organizations have the capacity to carry them out.

Markley said that while she didn’t feel confident that everyone would agree on this issue, she was trying to get to a compromise where everyone felt comfortable with it.

Joe Connor, assistant county administrator, told the committee that the GKCCF could work on grant development and on grant monitoring. He said it might cost the UG an additional $12,500 to $17,500 in addition to the $5,100 it is paying the GKCCF now. The foundation’s present duties include holding the grant funds, accepting the applications on their website and checking to see if the applicants are 501(c ) 3 organizations.

Additional services, if the UG wants them, might include going over the applications a little more, according to UG officials. The foundation also could, if requested, conduct due diligence, prepare written recommendations to assist the commission in selecting grant recipients, monitor the progress of grants, make site visits when required, and report on any changes in grant use or problems, according to Connor.

Commissioner Melissa Bynum did not support the method used last year of the commissioners evaluating the applications themselves and selecting the grant recipients.

“I don’t believe elected officials handing out charitable grant dollars is good policy,” she said.

If the foundation screens and makes written recommendations for the grant recipients, Bynum said she would feel better about it. She also requested the six-month reports for the existing 2015 grants, which commissioners had not yet received.

Commissioner Jane Philbrook agreed with Bynum, and said she was willing to compromise with the knowledge that there would be a professional team looking over all the applications, knowing they’ve been vetted thoroughly. Then the commission would look at the recommendations and make a decision on them.

“I trust we all have the best in mind for our community,” Philbrook said. “The concern for me was last year. I felt we didn’t know enough to make a very well-educated decision on these groups.”

Commissioner Harold Johnson asked if, based on this estimate, the individual grants would have to take a $2,000 cut? Connor replied that they would have to be lowered. The average grant was about $15,465 last year, according to UG figures.

There was no disagreement about whether to change the grant rules that recipients have to be a 501 (c ) 3 organization.

An additional grant from Schlitterbahn is expected to be brought up as a separate item to the full commission.

There was a letter sent to the commission from Schlitterbahn officials last year requesting that the bulk of the funds, about $500,000, be used for the downtown Healthy Campus project.

Commissioners noted they could end up with another $750,000 to distribute or $150,000, depending on the decisions made about that funding.

Commissioner Markley felt it would be a waste of the committee’s time to debate the issue now, since they know there will be significant differing opinions from the other five commissioners.

Plans are for the full UG Commission to take up these questions at a special session in February, perhaps Feb. 4, UG officials said.

To see earlier stories on the casino grants, visit