‘America will never forget’ Sept. 11 tragedy, Sen. Moran says

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) released the following statement today on the 14th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks:

“America will never forget the tragedy of September 11. Today we remember the lives lost and the individuals who courageously responded to help. We are grateful to those who were inspired to step forward to defend the values of our nation. Yet, 14 years later, the threat of terrorism remains. As these challenges continue, we reaffirm our commitment to our veterans and to those who continue to serve defending the United States of America.”

Today’s forecast: Sunny, high of 72

From three to five inches of heavy rain fell in the area overnight, accompanied by storms and flash flooding.

The National Weather Service says a flood warning is still in effect through 10:30 a.m. today.

Today’s forecast will be sunny with a high of 72, according to the weather service.

Tonight, expect a low of 49.

Saturday’s forecast is sunny and 68, and Sunday’s high will be 74.

The major rivers in Wyandotte County are all well under flood stage.