Injuries reported as car crashes on I-670 in KCK

A crash at 1:58 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, on westbound I-670, just west of the Central Avenue exit in Kansas City, Kan., resulted in some injuries, according to a Kansas Highway Patrol trooper’s report.

According to the report, a Mercury Cougar was driving on the outside shoulder of I-670 and failed to maintain the lane. Then the driver overcorrected and went across the westbound lanes, striking the inside concrete bridge rail, the report stated.

The vehicle spun and came to rest facing eastbound in the westbound lanes, the trooper’s report said.

There was a law enforcement pursuit involved with this case, according to the trooper’s report.

The driver of the Cougar, a 19-year-old woman from Kansas City, Mo., was injured, the report stated.

Also injured was a 19-year-old Kansas City, Mo., woman who was a passenger in the car.

Another passenger, a 7-year-old girl from Kansas City, Mo., was not injured, according to the report.

The fourth occupant of the car, a 1-year-old girl from Kansas City, Mo., was listed as not having a safety restraint, according to the report.

Kansas records eighth case of chikungunya, mosquito-borne disease

by Bryan Thompson, KHI News Service

A Lyon County resident has been diagnosed with a mosquito-borne disease that had never been seen in the Western Hemisphere before 2013.

The adult patient is believed to have been bitten by an infected mosquito while traveling in Central America.

The virus, called chikungunya, was first seen in Kansas last year.

Sara Belfry, communications director for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, said this is the eighth case of chikungunya in Kansas this year. In addition to the Lyon County case, there have been three cases in Johnson County, two in Reno County, one in Harvey County and one in Sedgwick County.

While all cases in Kansas this year have been associated with travel, health officials are concerned that the virus could become established in mosquito populations here.

Renee Hively, a nurse at Flint Hills Community Health Center in Emporia, said there is no evidence of direct human-to-human transmission of chikungunya in Kansas.

“Now, as far as a mosquito biting her while she’s infectious, and then going on and biting someone else, I would say it’s highly possible,” Hively said.

In fact, that’s the main method of transmission, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. But in this case, Hively said the risk that mosquitoes could transfer chikungunya from this patient to others was low.

“Theoretically, I think by the time you find out that you have chikungunya virus, you’ve already passed your infectious state,” she said.

The name chikungunya (pronunciation: chik-en-gun-ye) comes from a word in an African tribal language that means “to become contorted.” It describes a person whose joint pain is so severe, he or she can’t stand up straight. The disease is rarely fatal. Hiveley said symptoms typically appear three to seven days after a person is bitten by an infected mosquito.

“It can be serious,” she said. “But most cases people just experience fever, some joint pain, swelling, headache, muscle pain, some rash even.”

State health officials offer these tips to guard against chikungunya and other diseases that mosquitoes carry:

• Use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin. Follow label directions.
• Empty standing water from tarps, old tires, buckets and other places where rainwater is trapped. Use larvicide in low-lying areas where water cannot be removed.
• Refresh water for birdbaths, pet bowls and wading pools at least every three days.

The nonprofit KHI News Service is an editorially independent initiative of the Kansas Health Institute and a partner in the Heartland Health Monitor reporting collaboration. All stories and photos may be republished at no cost with proper attribution and a link back to when a story is reposted online.
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