Will a cluster mailbox be coming to your neighborhood next?

by Mary Rupert

Cluster mailboxes, an idea that has been proposed to make the postal service more efficient, have found their way to the Highland Crest and Cathedral neighborhoods, according to a Kansas City, Kan., resident.

Joan Spero, a Kansas City, Kan., resident who has served as a district liaison with the National Association of Letter Carriers and Auxiliary, appeared before a Unified Government Committee on Monday night to talk about cluster mailboxes.

Spero said one group of cluster mailboxes is about four blocks from her residence. She expressed her belief that house-to-house mail delivery is a right of postal customers.

She said it is up to the postal customer, part of the Postal Operations Manual, whether or not his mail is delivered to his house or to a cluster mailbox. She said people who live in a neighborhood have to be asked if they want to have cluster boxes before they are installed.

Spero said she was concerned about safety and health of residents, especially elderly residents, who might have to walk a distance to get their mail. Some are not physically able to walk that distance, she said. Also, she said she was concerned about theft from cluster mailbox break-ins. There has already been a theft ring involving cluster mailboxes in Johnson County, she said, citing a news article.

In August, she said, a switch was made to cluster boxes for 28 homes in the Highland Crest area, with the reason given that a mail carrier was bitten by a dog. Spero said she had talked with the letter carrier and discovered that it was a slight injury, it did not break the skin, the letter carrier received a Band-Aid and returned to work the next day. There haven’t been serious dog bites to carriers in the Kansas City, Kan., area for more than 20 years, she said.

“We would like you to let your constituents know what their rights are,” Spero told the commissioners.

She also said residents wrote to U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder to see what they could do about it.

The postal service spokeswoman for this area, Stacy St. John, was contacted for a response and said that she had not heard what was said at the meeting, and so she could not comment on it.

Using cluster boxes is part of postal reform nationwide because it is the most efficient way to serve customers, she said.

It was part of a postal reform bill that has not been approved by Congress. At this time, district managers approve delivery mode changes, St. John said. There is no movement for customers to involuntarily change their mode of delivery. If customers wanted to change to cluster boxes, the postal service would take that into consideration, she said.

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].

Rollover crash on I-35 results in injury

A rollover crash on I-35 south of Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Kan., resulted in an injury, according to a Kansas Highway Patrol trooper’s report.

The crash at 7:40 a.m. Nov. 20 happened when the driver of a Ford passenger car on I-35 southbound lost control, struck the outside wall and the vehicle rolled over, the trooper’s report stated.

The driver, a 24-year-old driver from Kansas City, Mo., was injured and taken to a hospital in Kansas City, Kan., according to the report.

Rising KanCare costs adding to state’s budget problems

by Jim McLean, KHI News Service

Topeka — State officials will need to find an additional $40 million to meet rising KanCare costs in the current budget year, according to caseload estimates compiled by the nonpartisan Kansas Legislative Research Department.

KanCare is the name of the state’s privatized Medicaid program.

Also, an anticipated increase in the number of children in the foster care system will require an additional $10.2 million in state funding in the current budget year, which ends June 30.

Gov. Sam Brownback and legislators will need to come up with the additional $50.2 million as they cut spending in other areas to address a projected $280 million revenue shortfall. The fact that there will be only six months remaining in the 2015 budget year when lawmakers go back to work in January will make the task more difficult.

The need for additional KanCare funding is the result of higher enrollment and a new federal tax on insurance companies. The three managed care companies that administer KanCare will be required to pay the tax, a portion of which will be passed on to the state.

“There is nothing we can do other than to write the check,” said Sen. Jim Denning, an Overland Park Republican. “This is going to be a big issue going forward.”

The premium tax, which was created to help fund the Affordable Care Act, is expected to increase next year at the same time that a reduction in the amount of Medicaid funding from the federal government is expected to decrease by $16.2 million.

The state will need to increase the amount it expects to spend on KanCare in the 2016 budget year by $76.6 million, according to the KLRD estimates.

Sen. Laura Kelly, from Topeka, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Ways and Means Committee, said increases in KanCare costs are to be expected midway through most budget years. But she said the increases needed this year and next are “hugely problematic” because of the revenue shortfalls caused by the income tax cuts passed at Brownback’s urging.

“We have backed ourselves in a corner with those tax cuts,” Kelly said. “Even before the caseload estimates came out, we were underwater. But we have a responsibility and a moral obligation to respond to these needs, and we’re just going to have to figure out how to do that.”

Approximately 425,000 children, low-income parents, people with disabilities and seniors who can’t cover the cost of nursing home care are enrolled in KanCare.

Brownback and officials in his administration have said they expect the income tax cuts to stimulate job growth and to partially restore state revenues over time. However, the revenue estimates that the governor and lawmakers are required to use for budgeting project that the state will spend through the $380 million balance it had at the start of the budget year and still be $280 million short of what is needed to balance the budget. Next year’s shortfall is projected at $436 million.

The projected shortfalls have some members of the Legislature’s Republican majority talking publicly about revisiting the tax cuts. Denning, who serves on the KanCare oversight committee and as vice chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, has said he wants to “smooth out” additional cuts that are scheduled to take effect and consider requiring some business owners to resume paying personal income taxes on earnings exceeding $250,000.

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