Saturday events

Holiday craft show planned Nov. 22
The annual Holiday Craft Show will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, at Eisenhower Community Center, 2901 N. 72nd, Kansas City, Kan. There is no admission charge. For more information, call 913-573-8358.

Free health fair and Thanksgiving outreach Saturday
New Bethel Church, 745 Walker Ave., Kansas City, Kan., will hold a free health fair and Thanksgiving outreach from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. Because unhealthy lifestyle choices can cause health conditions, Pastor A. Glenn Brady decided to initiate the free health fair. Its goal is to encourage good health, and provide individuals with a wholesome meal and food for their family. The theme of the event is “Celebrating Life and Good Health.” The health fair also will include one-to-one assistance to sign up for the Affordable Health Care Act with onsite enrollment specialists from the McDaniel Hazely Group. It also includes health screenings with licensed medical personnel, health presentations, youth activities, a hearty Thanksgiving dinner and groceries for the family. The New Bethel Transportation Ministry will provide pickup and drop-off services throughout the Kansas City metro area upon request. For more event information or pickup – drop-off services, contact the New Bethel Church office at 913-281-2002 or email [email protected]. The group is also online at

Friends of Library book sale to be Saturday
The Friends of the Bonner Library quarterly book sale will continue Nov. 22. On Saturday the sale will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The sale is held in the storm shelter area on the bottom level of the library and can be accessed from the parking lot at the rear of the building. The library is located at 201 N. Nettleton, Bonner Springs.

Strawberry Hill Museum to open for holidays Nov. 22
The Strawberry Hill Museum, 720 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kan., will open for the holidays on Saturday, Nov. 22, and will remain open through Sunday, Jan. 26. The museum, decorated in Victorian style, is open from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, with special tours available by appointment. The cost of a tour is $7 for adults and $3 for children 6-12. St. Nicholas will visit the museum from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6. Nighttime tours will be available at 6 p.m. Fridays Nov. 28, Dec. 5 and Dec. 19, and reservations are required. The cost is $15 for the nighttime tours, which includes refreshments and dessert. Call 913-371-3264 for more information or to make reservations. Holiday parties also may be booked.

Talking turkey and Thanksgiving crafts on Saturday
A program from 1 to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, at the Schlagle Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, will discuss the kind of turkey that makes its home at Wyandotte County Lake, and will include turkey calling and Thanksgiving crafts. All ages may attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Make a Thanksgiving napkin ring
A craft program for children and tweens, making Thanksgiving turkey napkin rings, will be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Main Kansas City, Kan., Public Library, youth services storytime – craft room, 625 Minnesota Ave. All materials are provided. The program is for ages 5 to 12. Registration is required to 913-279-2216. There is a limit of 20 persons.

Children’s turkey craft program to be Saturday
Children may build their own paper turkeys at a craft program from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, at the West Wyandotte Library, 1737 N. 82nd, Kansas City, Kan. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Groups of six or more must call ahead at 913-596-5800, Ext. 1016.

Bike Club open house planned
The Bike Club open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Nov. 22 at 1401 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, Kan. Those who attend will hear about a bike lane project on 10th Street.

Fraud Awareness Week includes shredding event
Enterprise Bank will hold a shredding event Saturday, Nov. 22, at its location at Prescott Plaza in Kansas City, Kan. Shred trucks will be on site and will be available for use for the public to shred unneeded, sensitive documents. For more information, see

Argentine holiday lighting ceremony to be Nov. 22
The Argentine Holiday Lighting Ceremony will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, at Emerson Park, 29th and Strong Avenue, Kansas City, Kan. Family activities are planned. There is no admission charge.

Legends tree lighting ceremony to be Nov. 22
The Legends Outlets will hold the annual Legendary Lighting Ceremony at 7:45 p.m. Nov. 22 at the shopping center, I-70 and I-435, Kansas City, Kan. Musicians will play holiday music with caroling from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Santa Claus will light the holiday lights, and a synchronized light display will be seen. There is no admission charge. For more information, visit

Anonymous donor steps up to help food pantry in western KCK

by Mary Rupert

An anonymous donor has stepped up to keep a food pantry running in western Kansas City, Kan.

Janice Witt, the CEO of the Reola Grant Civitan Center food pantry, said she heard on Monday from a donor, who wants to remain anonymous, that he and his company would fund the food pantry.

He is not a resident of Wyandotte County but lives somewhere in the region, she added, and saw the story about the food pantry on the news. He researched the situation and decided to get involved.

“He said this was a God thing, and he was supposed to step in and make this right,” Witt said. “He won’t take any credit.”

She had not previously met him or heard of him or his organization, she added. He wanted to make sure people in need have a Thanksgiving meal, she added.

Witt said the Reola Grant food pantry efforts are no longer associated with CrossRoads Family Church, and that there has been a change in the food pantry’s temporary location, to the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge at 7846 Leavenworth Road.

Now the food pantry will reopen as a by-appointment-only indoor food pantry at the FOP Lodge, Witt said. There will not be any mobile trucks with drive-through food giveaways there. The Grant food pantry no longer is participating in the mobile giveaway program after the last time, when traffic problems were cited as a reason for stopping deliveries. The Reola Grant Center and mobile food pantry had been helping 2,000 families a month previously.

Those who are in need may call the food pantry number at 913-948-4040, Witt said. Currently, it is restocking, she said. While it doesn’t have enough to feed the greedy, it will feed the needy, she added.

The number of donors now is multiplying for the Grant food pantry.

The FOP stepped forward to offer its lodge building as a temporary food pantry, she said.

“The FOP has been phenomenal,” Witt said. They were contacted by several members of the community and asked to help, she added. That location now has been certified by Harvesters to have an indoor food pantry, she said.

Also offering to help was the Delaware Masonic Lodge, with a “wonderful” offer, she said. The FOP site was selected because of costs associated with operating the other building.

“Both of those places made an effort to ensure we would be back up and running by Christmas,” Witt said.

Another group from Lenexa, Kan., will be donating some turkeys for the Thanksgiving holiday, she said.

Now the Reola Grant Civitan Center needs canned goods donations and is welcoming them for the indoor food pantry, she said.

“I’m just so overwhelmed with the honesty and kindness in people’s hearts,” Witt said. “You think you’re in a battle by yourself, alone and no one cares. Then out of the blue comes this tiny little light. I’m so blinded by the teeny little light in the darkness.”

Witt said the Reola Grant Civitan food pantry is still looking for a permanent location.

She said it will continue to have a thrift room, with clothing, to operate when they get the food pantry back up and running.

Witt said the new face of hunger here is that people in all areas of the community are facing need. Some of the old ideas are incorrect about where the needs are, she added.

She cited an example of a family from the western area who were doing well until they were hit by an illness, and their insurance costs skyrocketed.

Some are not used to making their food stretch.

“When the middle class go to poor, they don’t know how to function there,” Witt said.

She said she is trying to help people manage their food appropriately.

Some families and individuals, she added, currently are faced with a horrible choice between heat and food.

From 64 to 69 percent of Wyandotte County’s population lives in poverty, she said. While some of the existing food programs serve predominantly minorities in the eastern portion of the community, the reality is that many more people are needy throughout the county, of all races, she said.

She said the face of hunger has been manipulated to appear a certain way. In Wyandotte County, it is actually white, middle class, a family with two children, with people who have worked in the past year, she said. They may have a decent car. Their children receive free or reduced lunches in school. For whatever reason, they do not feel safe going to the eastern side of the city to receive a free meal, she said.

She said she wanted to have a food pantry in the Unified Government Commission 5th district because she was not aware of much assistance there, while there was already assistance in some other parts of the community.

In former days, the western part of the county and city was an agricultural area, and the needy could glean the fields after the harvest for leftover produce, Witt said. Now, with the changing nature of the area, and the institutionalization of gleaning fields by organizations that distribute food, that isn’t possible for individuals who are needy, she said.

There are four Civitan groups currently in the area, including the Civitan SOCHI group, the Heartland Helpers Civitan, Civitan Club Dotte and Civitan Orchids. SOCHI, Heartland and Dotte are the supporters of the Reola Grant Civitan Center. Kathy Godell is the president-elect of the Civitan SOCHI. Andrea Behrman is the president of the Heartland Helpers Civitan. Ron Witt is the current president of Civitan Club Dotte.

Together, the Witts have provided much of the funding for the Reola Grant Center in the past.

Witt said Civitan also is continuing its Toys for Tots program this year, Dec. 9-10 at the George Meyn Center at Wyandotte County Park, Bonner Springs. More than 200 families are already registered for the program, she said. The signup period already has passed, she added.

The Harvesters mobile food truck now is traveling to the KCKCC-TEC location, the former Walmart store at 65th and State Avenue, on some Saturdays to give away fresh produce to the needy, in an effort that is coordinated by Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. The food truck reportedly ran out of food there on its first day.

The Grant food pantry no longer is associated with that mobile food truck effort, Witt added. Future mobile food distributions for KCKCC-TEC are expected to be at 1 p.m. Dec. 13 and Dec. 20 at 65th and State.

KCKCC celebrates 92nd annual candlelighting ceremony

by Kelly Rogge

Kansas City Kansas Community College’s oldest tradition is returning in two weeks, honoring the holiday season while raising funds for scholarships at the same time.

The 92nd-Annual Candlelighting Ceremony is at 9 and 11 a.m. Dec. 3 in the KCKCC Performing Arts Center on the main campus, 7250 State Ave. Classes will not be held during the 11 a.m. lighting, so that all personnel and students, who wish to, can participate in the program. However, the Jewell Center, KCKCC Library and all offices will be open during those hours to serve individuals who choose not to participate in the ceremony.

“The purpose of this event is to celebrate the end of semester and the start of the holiday season,” said Linda Sutton, director of student activities at KCKCC. “It is also a good way to support student scholarships.”

At both of the ceremonies, the KCKCC bands and choirs as well as theatre students will perform. There will also be a speaker, Ismael Garcia, at the 11 a.m. service. There is no speaker at the 9 a.m. service. Each service will conclude with holiday carols and the lighting of the candles.

All classes that are scheduled to begin at noon will start 10 minutes after the program has ended to allow students and faculty to time to get to their classrooms.

KCKCC faculty members started the Candlelighting Ceremony in 1923, the year KCKCC was founded. It remains the oldest tradition at KCKCC and serves as an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to celebrate the upcoming holiday season. During that first year, a collection was taken to fund student scholarships. This tradition has continued and over the years, more than $10,000 has been collected for student scholarships at KCKCC. Donations are free will, and members of the Student Senate will be at the doors to the performing arts center with red baskets to accept donations.

“It’s a tradition that connects the college to its beginning 92 years ago,” Sutton said. “Many people from the community look forward and enjoy this event because they enjoy hearing the band, choir and theatre students. Many retired employees attend as well.”

For more information on the Candlelighting Ceremony, contact Linda Sutton at 913-288-7652 or by email at [email protected].

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at KCKCC.