Wyandotte County Democratic Breakfast planned Jan. 17

The Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast will meet Saturday, Jan. 17, in a new location, the cafeteria of Kansas City Kansas Community College, 7250 State Ave.

The cafeteria is in the lower floor of the Jewell Building at KCKCC.

The guest speakers at the meeting will be state Sen. Anthony Hensley, Democratic leader of the Kansas Senate, and state Rep. Tom Burroughs, newly installed Democratic leader of the Kansas House.

The breakfast buffet is available at 8:15 a.m. and the forum begins at 9:15 a.m.

The cost for the buffet is $10; the cost is $7 for students and those on limited incomes.

The meeting is open to all Democrats. Reservations are requested by Jan. 16 to [email protected]. While reservations are requested, they are not required to attend.

New officers for the Wyandotte County Democratic Central Committee were elected on Dec. 7. They are Norm Scott, chair; Gwendolyn Thomas, vice chair; Crystal Watson secretary; Barbara Ikerd, treasurer; and Victor Harris, sergeant-at-arms.

State Reps. Tom Burroughs and Louis Ruiz were recently elected Democratic leader and assistant leader for the Kansas House of Representatives.

Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore was recently elected chair of the Wyandotte County legislative delegation. Sen. Pat Pettey was elected vice chair.