Woman celebrates 101st birthday

Mary Lee Wayne recently celebrated her 101st birthday. (Submitted photo)

Mary Lee Roberts Wayne, a resident, celebrated her 101st birthday Aug. 5, 2021.

A family celebration was held at the home of her youngest daughter, the Rev. Sandra Campbell an ordained Unity minister (retired FAA).

Being able to celebrate with her family was the highlight. Attending were her son Grady Wayne Jr. (retired KCKPD lieutenant) and daughter Marie Wayne Watson (retired KCK USD 500 teacher) and a few of her many grands, great-grands and great-great grands.

Mary Lee Roberts Wayne, a Kansas City resident celebrated her 101st birthday Aug. 5, 2021.

Wayne received many birthday gifts, cupcakes, a fried fish dinner; a bingo game; along with many flowers, balloons, and cards. There was laughter, music, singing, hand clapping, toe-tapping and happy tears.

She also received two proclamations – state of Kansas House of Representatives and the Unified Government of Wyandotte County – Kansas City, Kansas.

And one special gift was a signed Royals “101” jersey.

Mary Lee Wayne received a special jersey on her 101st birthday. (Submitted photo)

The UG proclamation read: “Mary has been a resident of Wyandotte County for more than 70 years. She was born in Strong, Arkansas; married Grady Wayne Sr. in 1938, moved to the Dotte from Marion, Louisiana in 1950. Mary Lee Roberts Wayne is matriarch of 5 generations including her 3 children; 15 grandchildren, 29 great grandchildren, 27 great-great grandchildren and dozens of nieces, nephews and relatives.”

Wayne has lived through and risen above many challenges in her lifetime, including racism and oppression, personal tragedy, the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean Conflict, Jim Crow era, civil rights movement, Vietnam War and many other life changing events. The Kansas state proclamation congratulated Mary Lee Wayne on achieving her milestone birthday with hope for continued health and happiness.

Family members said they are happy that she is a living testimony of how to live a good life.

7 thoughts on “Woman celebrates 101st birthday”

  1. So glad we were able to visit with Granny Wayne on her 101st birthday month. She is such a blessing may God continue to bless and keep her healthy.

  2. So glad I’ve had a chance to read about Ms Wayne’s 101st birthday even if I could not physically be there I was in spirit. Belated Happy 101st and many more. Much Love

    Rev. Dr. Sheila Cook, Detroit Mi

  3. Happy birthday to my beautiful aunt. I thank God for blessing you to be with us for all this time.
    Your nephew, Jeffery Archie.

  4. She is simply the best a one of a kind good all around woman I’m glad to be her nephew

  5. Feeling so blessed to know this beautiful woman. She is a complete blessing to so many! Although I could not attend this amazing milestone in person I want to say Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Grandmother, I wish I could have been there to help you celebrate. I hope it was an awesome birthday. One of your many extra or bonus grandchildren, Dr. Jada Alexander

  7. Mrs. Wayne, an amazing and humble woman of God, you deserve a standing ovation you’re always been a “SUPERSTAR”. A standing ovation wouldn’t come even close to what you deserve from everyone blessed to know you. You deserve 101 standing ovations – one for every year you’ve bought countless moments of love, Joy, support, compassion and wonder to so many lives.
    If there was an Olympic medal for 101 years of legendary love, kindness and strength, you would win the gold. You’re my “SHERO”.

    It’s such a blessing to have you in my life. Happy 101 Birthday ?

    Numbers 6:24 – The Lord Bless and keep you.

    God Bless – One Love ❤️
    Sharon Dryden

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