Watermelon good for summertime salad

Try a watermelon salad for a change this summer.

This recipe, from the National Watermelon Promotion Board, features cubed watermelon. Watermelon is 92 percent water, hydrating and satisfying without any fat or cholesterol.

It also provides Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C.
(Adapted from NewsUSA)

Watermelon Waldorf Salad
2 cups cubed watermelon (about ½-inch cubes)
½ cup sliced celery
½ cup seedless red grape halves
Dash of salt
¼ cup Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted

Stir watermelon, celery and grapes together in a bowl. Just before serving, stir salt into yogurt for dressing. You may want to add a little water to lighten the thickness. Pour mixture over fruit, and stir until coated. Sprinkle with almonds.